????所以,最大化收益和利潤是鮑爾默的特長,也是他最大的缺點,在計算機產品逐漸向個人消費市場過渡的今天,這個缺點格外突出。微軟是典型的只顧眼前小利,不求長遠利益。微軟激勵員工實現鮑爾默設定的目標,但這一點卻扼殺了洞悉未來趨勢的敏感性。 ????湯普森也給出了喬尼?伊夫關于蘋果核心價值觀的演說發言: ????我們的目標不是賺錢。蘋果公司的目標絕不是賺錢。這聽起來可能有點輕率,但這是事實……我們的目標,令我們感到興奮的,是設法創造出偉大的產品。我們相信,如果我們獲得成功,人們會喜歡這些產品。而如果我們運營得當,我們將獲得收益,但我們十分清楚自身的目標。 ????史蒂夫?鮑爾默絕對不會說這樣的話。(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航?????? |
????It turns out that all of Ballmer's good qualities, especially when it came to maximizing revenue and profits, were also his worst qualities, especially as the consumer market came to dominate computing. And, to Microsoft's short-term benefit but long-term detriment, the incentives Microsoft gave its employees to achieve Ballmer's aims choked out the sensitivity to truly understand what's next." ????By contrast, Thompson offers Jony Ive's set speech on Apple's core values: ????Our goal isn't to make money. Our goal absolutely at Apple is not to make money. This may sound a little flippant, but it's the truth…Our goal and what gets us excited is to try to make great products. We trust that if we are successful people will like them, and if we are operationally competent we will make revenue, but we are very clear about our goal. ????That's not something you'd ever hear Steve Ballmer say. |