????這將使蘋果第三財季的收入遭遇重創。雖然蘋果并未提供每股利潤的預測指導,但分析師們可以自己計算。 ????分析師得出的結果是蘋果的每股利潤為7.48美元,約比去年同期蘋果公司報告的9.32美元降低了20%。專業分析師的平均預測結果為7.31美元【與湯姆森金融公司( Thomson Financial )周五上午報告的結果基本一致】。而業余分析師的預測略好一點,約為7.81美元。 ????明天,周二市場收盤之后,蘋果即將公布其2013年第三季度財報。屆時,我們就能知道哪一個結果更準確。 ????下圖為各位分析師預測的蘋果公司收入與利潤,并按照對每股收益的估算結果進行降序排列。其中藍色為專業分析師,綠色為業余分析師。再次感謝 Posts at Eventide網站的羅伯特?保羅?雷濤匯總Braeburn Group組織各位分析師的預測數字。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????That will knock the stuffing out of Apple's Q3 earnings. Apple didn't offer EPS guidance, but our analysts can do the math. ????They came up with an average EPS of $7.48, nearly 20% below the $9.32 Apple reported in the same quarter last year. The average among the pros was $7.31 (which happens also to be the consensus Thomson Financial was reporting Friday morning). The amateurs this quarter are only slightly more bullish at $7.81. ????We'll find out who was closest to the mark when Apple reports its Q3 2013 earnings after the markets close on Tuesday, July 23. ????Below: The individual analyst's revenue and earnings numbers, listed this time in descending order of EPS estimates, with the pros in blue and the amateurs in green. Thanks one more time to Posts at Eventide's Robert Paul Leitao for pulling together the Braeburn Group numbers. |