????上個月,新聞媒體大肆報道稱,蘋果(Apple)iPhone在印度的出貨量半年內猛增兩倍。之后,這家公司又在印度實施了多項積極的市場策略,例如一系列的廣告活動以及手機以舊換新計劃。有分析預計,這些舉措有望使蘋果在印度市場的銷售額在2013財年結束前達到10億美元。 ????不過,蘋果在印度及其它新興市場面臨的真正制約因素也許并不是手機的價格。科技博客OpenSignal展示了一份地圖(見上):在印度,有很多地方根本沒有3G和4G網絡覆蓋。這或許才是蘋果的癥結所在。 ????本周早些時候,科技博客Asymco的賀拉斯?德迪烏在和The Next Web網站的馬丁?布萊恩特談話時,簡要闡述了這個問題。 ????TNW:你認為新興市場的主流消費者什么時候才能擁有購買智能手機? ????德迪烏:這純粹是個學術問題。更重要的問題是,新興市場的智能手機用戶什么時候才能用上真正的移動寬帶。落后的移動基礎設施建設和日益增長的終端需求之間的矛盾正不斷擴大。如果聽之任之,所有智能手機都將失去移動數據傳輸的真正價值,淪為裝樣子的玩具。(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航 |
????Apple (AAPL) made headlines last month on reports that its iPhone shipments to India tripled in the space of six months. Since then it's instituted some aggressive marketing techniques, including an advertising blitz and a buyback scheme, that could propel the company's sales in the country, according to one estimate, to $1 billion before the end of fiscal 2013. ????But the real limiting factor for Apple in India -- and other emerging markets -- may not the phone's price as much as the issue apparent in the OpenSignal map above: The vast portions of the subcontinent with no 3G and 4G cellular coverage. ????Asymco's Horace Dediu stated the problem succinctly earlier this week in this exchange with The Next Web's Martin Bryant: ????TNW: At what point do you believe that the majority of people in emerging markets will own smartphones (if at all)? ????Dediu: The question is academic. The more important question is when will mobile broadband be available to all those who own smartphones. The economics of providing bandwidth are out of sync with the economics of providing terminals that can consume it. If it continues this way, all those smartphones will not be used for mobile data and will thus be essentially dumb. |