????親愛的安妮:由于處境與那位向你提問的讀者相近,而面對的問題更大,我懷著極大的興趣拜讀了你有關如何解決員工抵制變革問題的專欄文章。我剛從公司另外一個部門調來,現在的部門表現不達標,上級讓我“扭轉”它的局面。 ????問題是,初來乍到,人們都懷疑我是否真的理解這份工作。于是,我每時每刻都在與這種缺乏信任作斗爭。另外一個問題是,我現在這個職位并非從我開始。我的前任試圖解決這個問題,結果忙活了一年多,最終還是黯然放棄。所以每次我解釋下一步該做什么的時候,我看得出來人們心里在想:“又是老一套?!彼麄儽砻嫔宵c頭稱是,但依然按照老辦法去做事。我有幾個知名導師就這個問題給出了答案,但我仍希望能聽聽您和您的讀者們對這個問題的看法。——兩頭為難 ????親愛的兩頭為難:你所處的困境的確有些意思。我認為,要從兩方面考慮這個問題:首先,你所謂的變化是誰提出來的?是自上而下傳達下來的,還是你自己想要的,抑或其他情況?第二,你那些桀驁不馴的下屬們這樣做可能是有原因的??赡苣氵€不能真正理解他們認為你的辦法行不通的理由? ????堅持讓別人改變之前,應該認真傾聽?!盀榱四苡绊憚e人,首先應該改變自己,” 與他人合著過《真正的影響力:善勸不迫,巧得不屈》(Real Influence: Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In)一書的精神科醫師和高管教練馬克?古斯滕醫學博士指出?!八⒉灰馕吨?、放棄或動搖自己的目標。要的是每次與人談話,都能抱著承認自己可能部分或完全錯誤的態度——即便你是對的,也可以學到有用的東西。” ????“如果將影響力視作‘讓別人按照你的意愿做事’,你實際上已經削弱了對他們的影響力,”他說。“這是因為你不再傾聽別人的意見,他們很快就認識到這一點。即使暫時屈服于你的指令,他們的內心也會充滿怨恨”——同時開始尋找機會頑抗到底。 ????“大多數商學院中所教的影響力是指,根據你自己的邏輯判斷,安排別人的工作內容,”古斯滕補充道?!暗绻阌羞h大的目標,而且需要人們為之長期投入的話,這種方法無異于飲鴆止渴?!?/p> ????他指出,行得通的辦法是用別人的實例來驗證你的觀點。書中列舉了好市多(Costco)、蘋果公司(Apple)、耐克(Nike)和Zappos等公司的案例,它們都在內部形成了有效的影響力。書中最終總結出了下面三點: ????1.試著站在別人的角度來考慮問題。“如果別人自認理性、符合邏輯并完全正確,而你一無是處。這時,你的反應會好么?答案當然是否定的,”古斯滕指出?!澳敲磩e人同樣也不喜歡這樣。”與之相對,“面對不同觀點時,如你愿意被影響的話,你肯定能贏得眾多信任——你也有可能因此作出更好的決策。” ????2.不要試圖爭辯求勝。“試圖求勝意味著你在強辯,而這是行不通的,因為它會讓人們尋求自我保護,同時刺激他們打敗你,”古斯滕說?!斑@不是一個輸贏的問題,而是為了一個遠大目標彼此聯系、相互合作的事情?!?/p> |
????Dear Annie:I read your recent column on overcoming employees' resistance to change with great interest, because my situation is similar to that of the reader who sent that question, but with a twist. I was recently moved into my job from another division of the company and told to "turn around" this under-performing department. ????The trouble is, because I'm the new guy, people here doubt that I really understand the business, so I feel like I'm constantly fighting this lack of credibility. The other problem is that I'm not the first person in this position. The last guy they brought in to fix things here tried for a year or so and then quit. So every time I explain what we need to do, I can tell that people are thinking, "Here we go again." They nod their heads and then go on doing everything the same old way. I have a couple of great mentors who are giving me some advice on how to handle this, but I'm curious about what you and your readers think. --Stuck in Neutral ????Dear Stuck:Interesting dilemma. Two questions I wonder about: First, where did the changes you're proposing come from? Were they handed down from above, or did you come up with them yourself, or what? And second, is it possible that your recalcitrant underlings have a point and that (just maybe) you really don't understand the reasons why they think your approach to the business won't work? ????Before you go any further down the road of trying to get people to change, it might be time to do some serious listening. "In order to influence people, you have to be open to influence yourself," says Mark Goulston, M.D., a psychiatrist and executive coach who co-wrote a new book, Real Influence: Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In. "That doesn't mean giving in, giving up, or being any less committed to your goals. It does mean going into every conversation being willing to believe that you may be partially or totally wrong -- and that even if you're right, you will learn something valuable. ????"When you view influence as 'getting people to do what I want,' you actually reduce your influence over them," he says. "That's because you're not really hearing the other person's message, and they recognize this immediately. Even if you get temporary compliance with what you're asking, they'll resent it" -- and start finding ways to dig in their heels. ????"Telling people what to do based purely on what looks logical to you is the kind of influence most business schools teach," Goulston adds. "But if you have big goals and need people to be committed to them long term, it's a recipe for failure." ????What works a whole lot better, he says, is to start by testing your perceptions against other people's reality. His book is packed with examples of effective influence from within successful companies like Costco (COST), Apple (AAPL), Nike (NKE), and Zappos, which can be boiled down to three main points: ????1. Try thinking from the other side."Do you respond well when other people presume they're rational, logical, and absolutely right, and you're not? Of course you don't," says Goulston. "Other people don't like it, either." By contrast, "if you are open to influence when other points of view arise, you gain a lot of credibility -- and you'll probably make better decisions." ????2. Don't try to win arguments."Trying to win implies that you are arguing, and this doesn't work, because it triggers people to defend themselves and provokes them to try to prevail over you," Goulston notes. "This isn't about winning or losing. It's about connecting and collaborating toward a great outcome." |