







專欄 - 今日科技速遞


JP Mangalindan 2013年01月09日


????中興、華為加入大屏智能平板手機大戰 路透社

????中興公司(ZTE)近日剛剛發布了由意大利設計師斯蒂凡諾·喬凡諾尼操刀設計的Nubia平板手機,現在又計劃推出一款名叫Grand S的5英寸大屏手機,與此同時,華為(Huawei)也推出了一款名叫Ascend Mate的大屏手機,屏幕尺寸達到了驚人的6.1英寸,只比亞馬遜(Amazon)的Kindle Fire平板電腦小了一點。

????英國ABI Research公司的高級分析師約書亞·弗拉德稱:“用戶們已經意識到,一臺屏幕達5英寸的智能手機并不是笨拙不便的設備。”




????越來越多的市場咨詢師都對社交媒體推崇備至,稱它是未來絕對不可忽視的一股力量。他們認為,如果Facebook、Twitter、Tumblr 或 Google+等社交網站上的好友能為一款商品做活廣告,那么就一定會起到很好的廣告效應。這是一種新的口碑效應,而口碑效應一向是營銷學的黃金法則。而且這些社交網站吸收的海量數據也向廣告商們描述了一幅“精確定位”的美好愿景——廣告是如此及時,與用戶的生活息息相關,因此人們一定會歡迎它們。人們對這場革命的熱情令整個市場對社交網絡陷入了一種狂熱——同時也把他們推向了失敗的邊緣。

????聯想為Windows 8升級產品線、筆記本及一體機帶多點觸控功能 科技博客網站

????聯想(Lenovo)近日發布了兩款新的一體機。其中聯想C540是一款入門級的一體機,配備了一塊23英寸的1080p顯示屏、酷睿(Core) i3處理器、8GB的RAM、英偉達精視(Nvidia GeForce)615顯卡。聯想IdeaCentre730一體機更加令人印象深刻,它是去年發布的聯想IdeaCentre A720的升級版,被定位為蘋果的iMac競爭對手。?IdeaCentre 730的厚度只有1英寸。它配備了一塊2560 x 1440的多點觸控顯示屏、酷睿i7處理器、2GB的英偉達精視GT 745M顯卡、8GB的RAM、1TB混合型硬盤。

????Handset makers scurry to join the Year of the Phablet?[REUTERS]

????ZTE, which collaborated with Italy's designer Stefano Giovannoni for the Nubia phablet, is scheduled to launch its 5-inch Grand S, while Huawei brings out the Ascend Mate, sporting a whopping 6.1-inch screen, making it only slightly smaller than Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet.

????"Users have realized that a nearly 5-inch screen smartphone isn't such a cumbersome device," said Joshua Flood, senior analyst at ABI Research in Britain.

????Why does everyone think Google beat the FTC??[THE NEW REPUBLIC]

????The law-enforcing agencies of the federal government are powerful, and?unlike a football team, aren't supposed to try to win at any cost; they are supposed to do what is right for the country. The Commission was right to investigate Google, right to stop the practices it did, and also right to settle the case instead of beating the firm into submission. In the end, as corporate defendants go, Google was pretty clean. What saved the company weren't the millions Google wasted lobbying Senators or paying Republicans to be its friends. It was its engineers, who designed its services in a way that maximized effectiveness while avoiding rampant illegality.

????Can social media sell soap??[THE NEW YORK TIMES]

????Growing legions of marketing consultants are pushing social media as the can't-miss future. They argue that pitches are more likely to hit home if they come from friends on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Google+. That's the new word of mouth, long the gold standard in marketing. And the rivers of data that pour into these networks fuel the vision of precision targeting, in which ads are so timely and relevant that you welcome them. The hopes for such a revolution have fueled a market frenzy around social networks — and have also primed them for a fall.

????Lenovo updates its laptops and all-in-ones with multitouch for Windows 8?[THE VERGE]

????Rounding up the new line-up are a pair of all-in-ones. The Lenovo C540 is an entry-level all-in-one with a 23-inch multitouch 1080p display, Core i3 processor, 8GB of RAM and Nvidia GeForce 615 graphics. The IdeaCentre A730, however, is a little more impressive. Positioned to take Apple's iMac head-on, the update to?last year's IdeaCentre A720?is just an inch thick. It's configurable with a 2560 x 1440 multitouch display, Core i7 processor, 2GB Nvidia GeForce GT 745M graphics card, 8GB of RAM, and a 1TB hybrid drive.







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