????駕車從墨爾本市中心到偏遠的米爾杜拉市(人口約3萬)本來就不是件輕松的事,即便在最理想情況下,也需要至少七到八個小時。 ????不過,對于使用蘋果(Apple)新款iPhone上內置地圖軟件的游客而言,這趟旅行更是堪稱一場噩夢。 ????iPhone地圖將游客導航到了墨瑞日落國家公園(the?Murray-Sunset National Park)中心地帶——位于米爾杜拉西南方向約70千米處(約合45英里)。此處天氣酷熱,最高溫度可達46攝氏度(華氏115度),而且沒有手機信號。 ????當地警方表示,目前至少已經營救過4名駕車者,其中一人在沒有水和食物的情況下被困整整24小時。而其他人為了接收到手機信號,不得不長途跋涉,穿越國家公園中的危險地帶。 ????澳大利亞當局稱這種情況已經“對生命造成潛在威脅”,并警告司機在蘋果公司做出修正前,不要盲目依賴iPhone導航,應該更多地參考谷歌地圖(Goole Maps)等其它導航工具。 ????最新消息:據科技博客The Guardian的消息,蘋果已在周一下午修正了地圖錯誤。蘋果地圖現在已經能正確定位米爾杜拉市中心的位置了。 ????譯者:項航 |
????Driving to the rural city of Mildura (pop. 30,000) from downtown Melbourne is a long trek in the best of circumstances -- six or seven hours depending on traffic. ????But the trip can be a nightmare for travelers using the Map app that comes installed in Apple's (AAPL) newest iPhones. ????The app shows Mildura about 70 km (45 miles) southwest of its actual location -- placing it in the middle of the?Murray-Sunset National Park, where temperature can reach as high as 46 C (115 F) and cellular phone coverage is nil. ????Local police have already had to rescue at least four motorists, one of whom were stranded for up to 24 hours without food or water. Others had walked long distances through dangerous terrain to find phone reception, according to police. ????Australian authorities are calling the situation "potentially life threatening" and warning drivers with iPhones to rely on some other form of navigation -- Google Maps, for example --?until Apple?does something about the problem. ????UPDATE: By Monday afternoon, the error had been corrected, according to?The Guardian. Apple's Map app now points the center of Mildura. |