







專欄 - 財富書簽


Lawrence A. Armour 2012年12月12日

《財富》書簽(Weekly Read)專欄專門刊載《財富》雜志(Fortune)編輯團隊的書評,解讀商界及其他領域的新書。我們每周都會選登一篇新的評論。



????據報道,本·阿弗萊克正籌備將丹尼斯·勒翰的小說《以夜為生》(Live By Night)搬上銀幕。屆時,他將自編自導并擔任制片、親自出鏡。如若報道屬實,阿弗萊克勢將有望憑借此片再奪大獎。



????這是一部扣人心弦、如電影般精彩的小說,其類似于勒翰之前的兩部著作——《神秘河》(Mystic River)和《禁閉島》(Shutter Island)。這兩部小說分別被克林特·伊斯特伍德和馬丁·斯科塞斯翻拍成了賣座大片。雖然喬·考夫林并非正面人物,但他完全可以稱得上是一個耀眼的明星,具備一切令人喜愛和信賴的特質。他兩度墜入愛河,將坦帕的走私行動開展得有聲有色,和紐約的福星盧西安諾(美國知名罪犯、黑幫大哥,被稱為美國“現代有組織犯罪之父”——譯注)達成了一筆交易,還在卡斯特羅統治前的古巴給孩子們建了一座棒球場。

????In the spirit of the season, here's a selection of literary stocking stuffers for you or the bookworm in your life. They include two terrific thrillers, a definitive short story collection, and a pair of engrossing books about biking.

Cops, hoods, and spies

????Ben Affleck, who knows a good book when he sees one, is reportedly set to write, direct, produce, and star in the film version of Dennis Lehane's novel?Live By Night. If the reports are true, he's got himself another winner.

????The book follows a bouncing ball named Joe Coughlin, the youngest son of a prominent member of the Boston police department. Joe takes off in a different direction, first mastering the art of petty street crime, then moving on to serious big-time capers as the right-hand man of a local mob boss. His journey is interrupted by a stretch in the Charleston penitentiary, where he learns a few painful facts of life. It's also where he meets his next boss, a Mafia capo who sends him to Tampa to take charge of a fledgling bootlegging operation.

????It's the mid-1920s. Prohibition is the law of the land, and that means distilleries in the basement of every deserted factory building, speakeasies on every block, gangsters patrolling the streets with blazing tommy guns and damaged cops directing traffic at every corner. As Lehane guides us through a fascinating history lesson bathed in noir, we meet rumrunners and cigar-makers, a string of fascinating women, evangelists, Ku Klux Klansmen, twisted lawmen and gangsters who can be loyal friends one minute, cruel enemies the next.

????It's an exciting, cinematic story, similar in that sense to Lehane'sMystic River, which gave Clint Eastwood some wonderful movie material, and?Shutter Island, which Martin Scorsese turned into a gem. Despite the fact that Joe Coughlin lives on the wrong side of the street, he is a full-fledged star who has what it takes to win our trust and affection. He falls in love not once but twice, gets the bootlegging operation in Tampa up and running, works out a deal with Lucky Luciano in New York, and winds up building a baseball field for kids in pre-Castro Cuba.

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