







專欄 - 中國會計思考


鮑大雷 2012年12月05日

鮑大雷博士是北京大學光華管理學院的特邀教授,並擔任IMBA 項目聯合主任。鮑博士是中國的會計和審計問題的著名專家。在加入北京大學之前,他是普華永道會計師事務所在美國,新加坡和中國的合伙人。其博客網站是www.chinaaccountingblog.com.


????周一,美國證券交易委員會對四大國際會計師事務所中國業務以及德豪國際(BDO)中國成員所大華提起了行政訴訟,指控這些會計師事務所拒絕提供在美上市公司的審計工作文件,違反了美國證券法和《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)。在此之前,德勤(Deloitte)也由于相同原因被訴諸法庭,因為它拒絕提供東南融通(Longtop Financial Technologies)的審計工作文件。



????筆者估計下一步會看到美國上市公司會計監管委員會發布一項擬議規定,撤銷它無法實施檢查的會計師事務所的注冊資格。筆者預計會在未來幾周看到這一幕。美國上市公司會計監管委員會的擬議條例將征求公眾建議,預計會產生激烈反響。當然,任何條例都必須經過美國證券交易委員會的審批批準。 ?


????Chinese regulators had meetings in Washington last week with the PCAOB and SEC. ?They must not have gone very well.?

????The?SEC yesterday?charged the Big Four and BDO in China with violations of U.S. securities laws and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for failing to provide audit working papers for U.S. listed companies. ?This follows the earlier charges against Deloitte for the same issue, and the Court action against Deloitte for failure to produce the working papers for Longtop Financial Technologies.?

????The Big Four?issued statements?pointing blame at diplomatic failure.?

????I believe that this marks the beginning of the process to deregister Chinese accounting firms from the PCAOB and to ban them from practice before the SEC. ?Unless resolved, this will likely lead to the delisting of U.S. listed Chinese companies. Multinational companies in China may also face issues since PCAOB rules require an auditor playing a substantial role in the audit of an MNC be registered with the PCAOB. ?There are situations where the China Big Four are playing a substantial role in the audit of U.S. MNCs that have substantial operations in China. They may need to resolve this by dividing the work among several firms so that no single firm plays a substantial role.??

????I expect the next action we see is the PCAOB releasing a proposed rule that will revoke the registration of any accounting firm it cannot inspect. I expect that we see this in the next few weeks. The proposed PCAOB rule would be sent out for public comment, which should be vociferous. Any rule has to be approved by the SEC.??







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