







專欄 - 今日科技速遞


JP Mangalindan 2012年05月31日



??? Facebook的員工和透露這一計劃的人稱,公司已經招了至少六個此前為蘋果公司(Apple)開發iPhone的軟硬件工程師,還有一位是iPad的開發人員。一位了解該計劃和一位剛進公司的員工表示,這將是Facebook第三次嘗試打造智能手機。


??? 盡管上周美國股市止跌反彈,Facebook的股票在早市時還是下跌了6%,報收于29.78美元——比IPO時38美元的發行價已跌去8美元多。對Facebook和承銷投行來說,股票的銷售情況實在慘不忍睹。針對該公司有選擇地向部分投資者透露關鍵信息這一指控,美國監管當局正開展調查。


??? 由于銷售嚴重下滑,Research In Motion公司去年的黑莓手機和PlayBook平板電腦庫存暴增三分之二,使公司自12月以來有第三次減記的可能性上升。


??? 據Facebook的發家故事記述,當網站發展起來時,薩維林受到扎克伯格的怠慢。所以很多人相信,他就是《偶然的億萬富翁》(The Accidental Billionaires)一書主要的爆料者。《社交網絡》(Social Network)這部電影就是以該書為原型改編的。不過他說,最后的結局“很美滿”。而且,他也從來沒有像電影里飾演他的好萊塢影星安德魯?加菲爾德那樣,怒火中燒地拿起筆記本電腦砸向扎克伯格。由于薩維林性格內向,所以《觀察周刊》(Veja)的法比奧?奧特曼認為,他的說法十分可信。


??? 盡管這項服務可能并沒有如谷歌公司(Google)所預期的那樣迅速躥紅,過去這一年對它而言仍然算是個多事之秋——雖然所發生的都是谷歌希望用戶忘掉的各種狀況。而明年,由于這項服務將會面臨更激烈的競爭,它將遇到更多挑戰。


??? 據高德納公司稱,2012年全球移動支付交易金額將超過1,715億美元,比2011年的1,059億美元增長61.9%。2012年,移動支付用戶數量將達2.122億人,比2011年的1.605億人大幅增長。

??? 譯者:清遠

Facebook tries, tries again on a smartphone [THE NEW YORK TIMES]

??? The company has already hired more than half a dozen former Apple software and hardware engineers who worked on the iPhone, and one who worked on the iPad, the employees and those briefed on the plans said. This would be Facebook's third effort at building a smartphone, said one person briefed on the plans and one who was recruited.

Facebook shares fall below $30 as US authorities begin investigation into IPO [THE GUARDIAN]

??? Even as US stock markets bounced back from falls last week, Facebook's shares slumped over 6% in early trading, to $29.78 -- more than $8 below the $38 price set at their IPO earlier this month. The share sale has proved a disaster for Facebook and its bankers. US authorities are investigating allegations that the company gave critical information to some investors and not others.

RIM writedown risked with $1 billion inventory [BLOOMBERG]

??? Research In Motion Ltd.'s stockpiles of BlackBerry smartphones and PlayBook tablets have swollen by two-thirds in the past year because of slumping sales, raising the chances of the company's third writedown since December.

Facebook co-founder Saverin: I don't resent Zuckerberg [CNN]

??? Many observers believe Saverin, who, according to the Facebook origin story was slighted by Zuckerberg as the site grew, was a primary source for the book "The Accidental Billionaires," on which "Social Network" is based. But the end result was "fantasy," he said. And, no, he never angrily threw a laptop at Zuckerberg as his Hollywood counterpart, Andrew Garfield, did in the film. It's a statement Fabio Altman, of magazine Veja, writes is instantly believable given Saverin's reserved nature.

Google Wallet: one year later [THE VERGE]

??? While it might not have taken off quite as quickly as Google would have liked, the past year has still been a fairly eventful one for the service -- albeit occasionally for reasons the company would prefer you forget -- and the next year proves to be even more challenging as the service faces increased competition.

Gartner says worldwide mobile payment transaction value to surpass $171.5 billion [GARTNER]

??? Worldwide mobile payment transaction values will surpass $171.5 billion in 2012, a 61.9 percent increase from 2011 values of $105.9 billion, according to Gartner, Inc. The number of mobile payment users will reach 212.2 million in 2012, up from 160.5 million in 2011.







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