????另外,蘋果的保密功夫一向令人眼紅,而且一旦發生泄密事件,蘋果必然毫不留情地追訴泄密者的責任。因此無論蘋果iTV的傳言是真是假,郭臺銘怎么可能會公然談及一項連蘋果公司也尚未公布的產品計劃呢? ????在我在看來,這絕不可能。 ????那么最近關于iTV的消息到底是從哪傳出來的呢? ????這條消息最早來自《中國日報》上的一篇文章,這是一份總部設在北京的英文報紙。這篇文章題為《富士康計劃向商貿轉型》(Foxconn plans renewed shift into distribution.),文章發自上海,署名人為高長新(音譯)。 ????文章大概花了15段的篇幅記錄了郭臺銘參加鴻海集團上海新總部動工典禮的消息,以及鴻海打算在中國大陸擴大商貿規模的計劃,只是在文章的末尾才加了這樣一句: ????“郭臺銘表示,富士康正在為iTV——也就是傳說中蘋果即將推出的高分辨率電視機做準備,不過該產品的研發和生產尚未啟動。 ????真是草蛇灰線,伏脈千里! ????如果郭臺銘真的談到了iTV,那么從上面列出的原因就能得知,它絕對是個天大的新聞。 ????不過為什么采訪這次活動的其他記者——比如路透社的吳健、彭博社的蒂姆?考賓和美聯社的伊萊恩?庫爾騰巴赫——都沒有聽說過這回事呢? ????有沒有可能《中國日報》的記者聽錯或誤解了郭臺銘的話?或是他的文章在翻譯中出現了誤譯?抑或是編輯或什么人在審校的時候改動了原意? ????我們多次試圖聯系高長新,請他核對采訪記錄,告訴我們郭臺銘那天的原話究竟是什么。不過直到發稿時尚未得到他的回復。 ????就目前的情況來看,“郭臺銘親口證實iTV”的故事用《時代》周刊(Time)一位編輯的話來說,仍然只是個大氣球,細細推敲幾次,即告土崩瓦解。 ????與此同時,眾多科技媒體最近又再次“確認”了蘋果正在進軍電視業務:據傳蘋果公司現在有意收購德國經銷商Loewe,這家公司主要銷售高清電視和蘋果周邊的音頻設備。Loewe的一位新聞發言人上周日對一個德國博客表示,Loewe與該傳言“純屬捕風捉影”,但這并不能阻止媒體蜂擁報道該傳言的熱情,也不能阻止Loewe的股票周一早間在法蘭克福證交所飆升了30%。 ????最新消息:富士康的一位新聞發言人聯系了The Next Web網站并做了如下聲明:在5月10日富士康上海新總部動工典禮上,富士康集團首席執行官郭臺銘明確表示,既不會確認、也不會推測富士康參與生產的任何客戶的任何產品,因為富士康的政策就是不對任何客戶或他們的產品發表評論。 ????他從未確認富士康正處于任何客戶的任何產品的研發或生產階段。他的確說過,如果客戶決定與富士康合作生產任何產品的話,富士康將隨時準備滿足他們的生產需求。任何關于富士康確認準備為某一客戶生產某一特定產品的報道都是不準確的。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????Given how jealously Apple guards its own secrets, and how relentlessly it pursues those who spill them, what are the chances that Gou would say anything -- ever -- about an unannounced Apple product, real or imagined? ????I'd say, nil. ????So what was the source for this latest iTV story? ????It was single item in China Daily -- an English-language newspaper based in Beijing. The dateline is Shanghai. The byline is Gao Changxin. The headline reads: "Foxconn plans renewed shift into distribution." ????After 15 paragraphs about Gou's remarks at the groundbreaking for Hon Hai's new Shanghai headquarters and his company's plans to expand distribution in mainland China, the China Daily story tosses in -- almost as an afterthought -- this sentence: ????"Gou said Foxconn is making preparations for iTV, Apple Inc's rumored upcoming high-definition television, although development or manufacturing has yet to begin." ????Talk about burying the lead! ????If Gou really said this, it would be -- for all the reasons stated above -- very big news. ????So how is it that none of the other reporters covering the event heard it? Not Reuters' John Ruwitch. Not Bloomberg's Tim Culpin. Not the AP's Elaine Kurtenbach. ????It is possible that the China Daily reporter misheard or misunderstood Gou's remarks? Or that his report was mistranslated? Or that a desk editor or rewrite person mangled it? ????We've asked Gao Changxin to review his notes and tell us exactly what Gou said. He has yet to respond to our several requests. ????For now, the Terry Gou iTV story remains what one of my editors at Time Magazine used to call "a soufflé." Kick it a few times and it collapses. ????Meanwhile the tech press has moved on to the latest "confirmation" that Apple is getting into the TV-set business: A rumor that the company is about to buy Loewe, a German distributor of slim HDTVs and integrated, Apple-friendly audio equipment. A Loewe spokesperson told a German blog Sunday that there was "absolutely nothing to" the rumor, but that didn't stop the tech press from piling onto the story, or Loewe's stock from jumping 30% Monday morning on the Frankfurt exchange. ????Update: A Foxconn spokesperson contacted The Next Web with the following statement: ????In remarks at a media briefing during the groundbreaking of Foxconn's new China headquarters in Shanghai on May 10, Terry Gou, Foxconn's Chief Executive Officer, made it very clear that he would neither confirm nor speculate about Foxconn's involvement in the production of any product for any customer because Foxconn's policy is not to comment on any customers or their products. ????At no time did he confirm that Foxconn was in development or manufacturing stages for any product for any of its customers. He did say that Foxconn is always prepared to meet the manufacturing needs of customers should they determine that they wish to work with Foxconn in the production of any of their products. Any reports that Foxconn confirmed that it is preparing to produce a specific product for any customer are not accurate. |