







專欄 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2012年04月25日

杰奧夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)為《財富》雜志高級編輯、專欄作家。美國在管理與領導力、全球化、股東價值創造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的評論員之一。擁有紐約大學斯特恩商學院MBA學位,哈佛大學經濟學榮譽學位。

????呼叫中心式的客戶服務已經成為一種相當成熟的規范,但通常體現在縮短通話時間方面。客服代表表面上都非常友好,但他們的任務就是讓客戶盡快結束通話。美國運通公司(American Express)的客戶服務以前也是如此,但自從吉姆?布什2005年開始負責客服業務之后,發生了一些變化。吉姆?布什認為,打破行業慣例,將結構化的對話改變為更為人性化的服務將會獲得良好的效果。很多公司如今衡量客服代表業績時,采納的標準依然主要是他們完成通話的時間。然而吉姆?布什采用的衡量指標則是由貝恩咨詢公司(Bain)的弗萊德?雷克海開發的凈推薦值,該指標通過向客戶詢問“您可否將我們公司推薦給您的一位朋友?”來進行衡量。目前,在吉姆?布什的領導下,美國運通在這項指標上的得分已經有了顯著提高。他說得很對,變革已經取得成效。客戶消費增長了,而成本支出卻降低了。

????現年54歲的吉姆曾經在新澤西州的瑞德大學(Rider University)主修會計學。作為美國運通公司的全球服務執行副總裁,他手下管理著大約2萬名員工,約占公司全部員工數量的三分之一。他最近與記者杰夫?科爾文進行了會談,涉及到公司如何改變服務人員培訓模式、性格的力量、將電話客服轉變為消費者的正向體驗以及其他很多方面的話題。以下是采訪剪輯:









????Call-center customer service has become a finely honed discipline, but usually it seems honed to cut time: The agent is superficially friendly, but nothing can derail that person's mission of getting you off the phone fast. Service at American Express (AXP) wasn't much different from that before Jim Bush was put in charge of it in 2005. His basic insight was that breaking with industry orthodoxy by transforming those conversations into less structured, more human engagements would pay off. Instead of evaluating service reps mainly by how quickly they got you off the phone, as many companies still do, he switched to the net promoter score developed by Bain's Fred Reichheld. It's based on one question: Would you recommend this company to a friend? AmEx's score has risen significantly under Bush's direction, and he was right -- it pays off. Customer spending is up, attrition is down.

????Bush, 54, majored in accounting at New Jersey's Rider University. As AmEx's executive VP of world service, he oversees some 20,000 employees, about a third of the company's total. He talked recently with Geoff Colvin about how the company has changed the way it trains service employees, the power of personality, turning collection calls into positive experiences, and much else. Edited excerpts:

Q: When you took over and overhauled customer service, what were the most important changes you made?

????A: I thought about the opportunity of capitalizing on every interaction and moving away from being a cost of doing business to being an investment in building relationships. Every one of those moments of truth is an opportunity to make a difference to customers in a personalized way. So we moved from being transaction-oriented -- the investment and training had been all around how to complete the transaction -- to building on the relationship with the customer. We converted from a robotic, scripted environment to a conversational environment that brings the personality to life and brings one-to-one connections, which is what ultimately builds and sustains relationships.

So when somebody calls American Express, the person on the other end has a computer screen in front of him but doesn't have a script?

????No scripts. Information is presented to the care professional -- we call them "customer care professionals" because that's what they are. They're not service professionals; they take care of customers. We present the profile of who that customer is and other information relevant to that particular interaction. That allows the care professional to be conversant and pull out their personality and match it to the personal needs of the customer.

????We've also modified how we measure performance. We got less focused on productivity as measured by how much time you're on the phone and freed up our care professionals. We let the customer determine how much time they want to engage. That engagement drives value. We serve customers, not transactions.

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