蘋果將于3月7日發布iPad 3?
——黑莓手機生產商RIM公司總監羅杰?馬丁【加拿大《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail)】
????*??眼下,蘋果將于3月7日推出iPad 3的傳聞在博客上滿天飛。目前,人們對于下一代平板電腦的外形及功能莫衷一是,但不少人顯然認為,iPad 3的分辨率將達到iPad 2的近兩倍,而且很可能會搭載四核處理器。(蘋果產品資訊博客iMore、創新人才求職網站The Loop、以及Parislemon) ????* 目前,蘋果正在接受美國公平勞動協會(Fair Labor Association)對其設備制造商富士康(Foxconn)的工廠生產條件調查。數周前,《紐約時報》(The New York Times)曾對富士康工廠內艱苦的生產及生活環境進行了一系列令人震驚的深度報道。【《紐約時報》(The New York Times)】 ????* 美國及歐洲監管機構已批準谷歌(Google)以125億美元收購摩托羅拉公司(Motorola Mobility)的交易。另外,谷歌證實,自2月10日以來,該公司已禁止3,000多萬伊朗人使用Gmail、谷歌視頻(Google Videos)、以及 YouTube。【路透社(Reuters)以及彭博新聞社(Bloomberg)】 ????* 針對流行社交網站Pinterest的粗略分析顯示,它97%的用戶為女性。(科技博客網站TechCrunch) ????*?業界領先的BT網站海盜灣(The Pirate Bay)將從2月29日開始停止提供針對大多數種子文件的服務。這也許意味著一個時代的終結:【科技新聞媒體《邊緣》(The Verge)】 ????* 到2016年,全球將有10億人使用智能手機。(《紐約時報) ????譯者:大海 |
????* Rumors are flying fast and hard from multiple blogs that Apple (AAPL) will announce the iPad 3 on March 7. At this point, it's anyone's guess what the next-generation tablet will look like and what features it will have, however many seem to think it will sport nearly twice the screen resolution of the previous iPad and possibly a quad-core processor. (iMore, The Loop, parislemon) ????* Apple is having the Fair Labor Association investigate working conditions inside Foxconn factories. The move comes weeks after The New York Times ran an eye-opening series of features diving into the harsh atmosphere workers experience. (The New York Times) ????* U.S. and European regulators approved Google's $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility. Separately, Google (GOOG) confirmed that 30 million-plus Iranians have been blocked from using Gmail, Google Videos, and YouTube since Feb. 10. (Reuters and Bloomberg) ????* A rough breakdown of popular social network Pinterest reveals that 97% of users are women. (TechCrunch) ????* It may be the end of an era. Leading BitTorrent site The Pirate Bay will stop serving up the majority of Torrent files beginning Feb. 29. (The Verge) ????* One billion people will own smartphones by 2016. (The New York Times) |