







專欄 - 財富書簽


Scott Cendrowski 2012年01月17日

《財富》書簽(Weekly Read)專欄專門刊載《財富》雜志(Fortune)編輯團隊的書評,解讀商界及其他領域的新書。我們每周都會選登一篇新的評論。

????寫到這里,弗蘭克還拿右翼電視評論明星格倫?貝克打趣了一番。貝克在電視熒屏上歇斯底里的表演久負盛名,弗蘭克對此不惜筆墨。此外,他還抽出時間來解構了貝克的虛構類暢銷書《奧弗頓之窗》(The Overton Window)。書中,一位進步主義公關大將愛上了一位信仰保守主義的女孩。小說中還提及了政府運作的拘留所——一些保守主義者曾經擔心奧巴馬政府2009年的時候曾有意修建此類設施。


????作為一名作家,弗蘭克的強項在于,他能從自由主義的視角來分析保守陣營的策略。在其2004年暢銷書《堪薩斯怎么了?》(What's the Matter with Kansas)中,他描述了共和黨戰略家的絕招:利用反墮胎和抨擊平權法案等社會議題拉攏美國藍領,使其罔顧自己的經濟利益,投票給共和黨人。


????弗蘭克尖銳的嚴辭有時令人厭煩,他的盲點同樣令人不安。對于自由主義陣營對茶黨民粹主義的回應,他鮮有提及。此外,他還忽視了華爾街運動,卻揪著一年多前就從福克斯新聞臺(Fox News)離職的格倫?貝克不放,使自己的書顯得有些過時。



????On this point, Frank riffs entertainingly on right-wing TV icon Glenn Beck. Besides detailing Beck's famous on-screen hysterics, Frank takes time to deconstruct Beck's fictional bestseller The Overton Window, in which a progressive PR flak falls for a conservative girl. The novel includes references to government-run internment camps that some conservatives feared the new Obama administration was constructing in 2009.

????In a non-fiction afterward, Beck tells readers that a former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had actually proposed the idea. He neglects to mention that the FEMA director in question was a close friend of an advisor to Ronald Reagan, and that the emergency scheme was proposed as a way of dealing with antiwar protesters.

????Frank's strength as an author has been dissecting right-wing political tactics from a liberal perspective. In his 2004 best seller, What's the Matter with Kansas, he described how Republican strategists persuaded blue-collar Americans to vote against their own economic interests using social rallying cries like abortion and affirmation action.

????Frank's analysis of the Tea Party is less successful. He rails, with no clear point, about the moneyed interests at Tea Party rallies. He also overwhelms the reader with details of the movement's commercial efforts, citing a $125 box of Tea Party cigars and a $40 (plus shipping) flag covered with the coiled rattlesnake emblem. But why is it wrong for a political movement to raise money by selling promotional products?

????Frank's strident rhetoric can be wearying, and so can his blind spots. There's scant reference to the liberal reaction to the Tea Party's populism. He dates himself by ignoring the Occupy Wall Street movement and by writing obsessively about Glenn Beck, who stepped down from his Fox News post more than a year ago.

????In essence, Frank expected a new New Deal to emerge after the financial crisis and was unhappy when it failed to emerge. His book will delight other disappointed liberals. But it's also a road map for everyone who wonders, while watching the hodgepodge of Republican presidential candidates: How the heck did all this happen?

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