????* 巴諾書店(Barnes and Noble)有可能剝離Nook電子閱讀器業務。消息一出,不少人都感到有些意外。該公司已大幅削減其2012年財務指引,現在已將銷售收入從預計的73億美元下調到了71億美元。原因何在?皆因Nook Simple Touch電子閱讀器的銷量低于預期。【美國有線新聞網財經頻道(CNNMoney)】 ????* 記者馬特?亞歷山大在美國創新人才求職網站The Loop上撰文指出,Kindle和Nook等基于電子墨水的電子閱讀器注定是個悲劇。亞歷山大認為,盡管這些產品可能無與倫比,但它們真正的使命其實在于“縫合”平板電腦目前尚無法“從技術上縫合的裂縫”。(創新人才求職網站The Loop) ????* 雅虎公司(Yahoo)首席執行官斯科特?湯姆遜新發布的一系列業務指令中,其中一條可能會決定是否支持一宗名為“分流現金(cash rich split-off)”的稅收交易。盡管通過這筆交易,雅虎有望省下40億美元的稅款,但它很可能不符合美國國內收入署(IRS)的規定。【《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)】 ????* 華納兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)剛剛與在線影碟租賃公司Netflix、紅盒子DVD租賃公司(Redbox)、以及百視通(Blockbuster)等公司達成協議。根據協議,上述三家公司推出華納影片的DVD碟片的期限延長了一倍。也就是說,這三家公司必須靜候56天(以前是28天),方可開始對外出租華納兄弟制作的影片的DVD碟片。(科技新聞網站All Things D) ????* 得益于蓋世(Galaxy)手機和硬盤業務的良好銷售業績,三星公司(Samsung)上季度利潤逼近45億美元,創下歷史新高。【《彭博新聞社》(Bloomberg)】 ????* iPhone 4S用戶使用的數據量幾乎是iPhone 4用戶的兩倍。造成該現象的一個主要原因是4S上安裝了蘋果的個人語音助理Siri。(《彭博新聞社》) ????譯者:大海 |
????* Barnes and Noble (BKS) may spin off its Nook e-reader business, news that came as a surprise to many. The company slashed its fiscal 2012 guidance and now expects sales of $7.1 billion instead of the $7.3 billion forecast. The reason? Lower-than-expected sales of its Nook Simple Touch. (CNNMoney) ????* Over at The Loop, writer Matt Alexander argues that e-ink-based e-readers like the Kindle and Nook are doomed. Wonderful they may be, but he sees their real purpose as patching "a gap that cannot be patched technologically" yet by many tablets. (The Loop) ????* One of Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson's first orders of business may be dealing with whether to back a tax deal called a "cash rich split-off." While Yahoo would stand to save up to $4 billion in taxes, such a deal might not fly with the IRS. (The Wall Street Journal) ????* Warner Brothers just clinched a deal with Netflix (NFLX), Redbox and Blockbuster that doubles the window for DVD releases of its movies. In other words, each of the three services will have to wait 56 days intend of 28 days before they can offer up Warner Brothers DVDs for rental. (All Things D) ????* Samsung reported record quarterly profit of nearly $4.5 billion thanks to sales of its Galaxy phones and the sale of its hard-disk business. (Bloomberg) ????* iPhone 4S users consume almost twice as much data as users of the iPhone 4, due in large part to Siri, Apple's personal voice assistant. (Bloomberg) |