







專欄 - 今日科技速遞


JP Mangalindan 2011年12月02日


????* Facebook離IPO越來越近了。近日美國聯邦政府指控Facebook涉嫌在用戶隱私問題上采取了“不公平和欺騙性”的做法,包括在未向用戶做出警告,或在未經用戶同意的情況下公開用戶信息等。消息爆出后,Facebook日前與聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)達成了一致。從現在起,Facebook每兩年將接受一次隱私審計,而且將公司首席隱私官的職權分裂成兩個職位。扎克伯格在一份冗長的博客文章中承認Facebook“犯了不少錯誤”,并保證將把公司打造成為“透明和控制方面的領袖”。(來源:聯邦貿易委員會、Facebook、科技博客TechCrunch)

????* Path是一個主打與親友進行內容分享的私人社交網絡應用,最近它推出了升級后的2.0版軟件,進一步優化了服務。Path的首席執行官、前Facebook員工戴夫?莫林上周對《財富》雜志(Fortune)稱:“我們的任務是把Path打造成這樣一個應用,人們最終覺得可以把整個生活都放到它里面。”為了實現這個目標,改版后的Path將呈現出更加整體化的玩法和更流暢的界面。與iTunes進行集成之后,Path的100多萬名用戶可以在應用內收聽其他人正在收聽的音樂,而且還可以記錄用戶就寢和起床的時間。

????* 現在已經有公司表示出了收購雅虎(Yahoo)的興趣,據報道,其中至少有兩個意向買家是私募股權公司,他們對雅虎的估值超過200億美元。如果報道屬實,那么和媒體這幾個月的猜測相比,他們的報價還算比較低的。【互聯網資訊網站All Things D、商業內幕人網站(Business Insider)】

????* 據報道,流媒體音樂服務網站Spotify將開始提供類似Facebook一樣的應用,為不斷壯大的Spotify添加更多的功能。比如它的“應用尋找器”(app finder)功能可以使用戶在聽音樂的時候閱讀相關評論,還有一個應用可以在播放音樂的時候顯示歌詞。【《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)】

????* 美國聯邦通信委員會(FCC)在一份長達109頁的報告中“嚴厲抨擊”了運營商美國電報電話公司(AT&T)收購另一家運營T-Mobile的議案。其中一部分寫道:“我們發現該議案可能導致競爭顯著減少,這將違反《克萊頓反壟斷法》(the Clayton Act)”。(科技網站The Verge)

????* 商業內幕網站的馬特?羅索夫以谷歌(Google)龐大的產品組合為證,聲稱谷歌正在為成另一個微軟(Microsoft)。(Business Insider)

????* Facebook, which is inching closer to an IPO, reached a settlement with the FTC after the federal government accused the social networking champ of engaging in "unfair and deceptive" practices regarding privacy, including the act of making user information public without warning or consent. Facebook will now submit to privacy audits every two years and has also split the role of Chief Privacy Officer into two positions. In a lengthy blog post, Zuckerberg admitted the company has "made a bunch of mistakes" and pledged to make it "the leader in transparency and control." (FTC, Facebook, and TechCrunch)

????* Path, the private social networking app that emphasizes sharing with close friends and family, released a version 2.0 software update that changes things up for the better. "Our mission with Path was to create something you felt you could put your whole life into," Dave Morin, Path CEO and former Facebook employee, told Fortune last week. To that end, the redesigned Path now presents a more holistic approach with a smooth, streamlined interface, allowing its 1 million-plus users to listen to music others are listening to within the app thanks to iTunes integration and chronicle when users are sleeping and waking up.

????* Bids for Yahoo (YHOO) are coming in, with at least two reportedly coming from private equity firms, valuing the Internet company at more than $20 billion. If true, both bids would be on the lower end of what media had been speculating during recent months. (All Things D and Business Insider)

????* Spotify will reportedly start offering Facebook-like apps that will tack on more features to the growing music streaming service. An "app finder" could allow users to read reviews as they listen to corresponding music, while one app may display lyrics as a song plays. (The Wall Street Journal)

????* Highlights from the FCC's 109-page report "slamming" AT&T's proposal to buy T-Mobile. "Staff thus finds ... that the proposed transaction would likely lead to a substantial lessening of competition in violation of the Clayton Act," one part reads. (The Verge)

????* Business Insider's Matt Rosoff explains why Google (GOOG) is turning into Microsoft (MSFT), pointing to examples from within the company's huge product portfolio. (Business Insider)







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