????*比爾?克林頓陷入莫妮卡?萊溫斯基性丑聞事件之后,曾向喬布斯尋求建議。“我不清楚你到底有沒有做過這件事,”他對總統說,“但是,如果是的話,我覺得您應該向全國人民坦白。”【《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)】 ????*喬布斯當面直言,巴拉克?奧巴馬的總統任期只有一屆。(《赫芬頓郵報》) ????*他曾主動請纓,為奧巴馬創作競選廣告,但奧巴馬的軍師大衛?阿克塞爾羅德不太配合,這讓喬布斯大為惱火。(《赫芬頓郵報》) ????*喬布斯曾開玩笑地說,有一次傳媒大亨魯伯特?默多克應邀一起用餐,他不得不將妻子的刀具藏起來(喬布斯的妻子勞倫?鮑威爾是一位新聞自由主義論支持者——譯注)。【《紐約時報》(New York Times)】 ????*iPad剛推出時,人們的冷淡反應——包括來自用戶的超過800封郵件曾讓喬布斯“非常惱火和沮喪”。(《赫芬頓郵報》) ????*他對谷歌剽竊蘋果公司iPhone手機界面一事大為光火,稱他們犯下了“重竊罪”。(美聯社) ????*他對艾薩克森發誓,就算拼盡“最后一口氣”,花光蘋果公司的全部400億美元現金儲備,也要摧毀安卓(Android)。”(美聯社) ????*今年早些時候,谷歌現任CEO拉里?佩奇虛心向他求教,他沒有拒絕,告訴佩奇谷歌只需將重點放在五項產品上。“放棄其他的產品,因為它們只會拖你的后腿。否則,它們會讓你們成為下一個微軟。”【《彭博商業周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)】 ????*他向艾薩克森透露,他已經破解出如何制造這樣一款電視機——“極其便于使用……具有你可以想象得到的、最簡單的用戶界面。最后終于讓我想出來了。”(《華盛頓郵報》) ????*喬布斯放棄了蘋果公司庫比蒂諾新總部初期的一項設計,因為其形狀讓他十幾歲的兒子聯想到生殖器。(《水星報》報道) ????*喬布斯曾告訴約翰?斯卡利,自己也許會英年早逝。(《赫芬頓郵報》) ????*他后悔當初確診為癌癥后沒有第一時間接受手術——而是依靠果汁、針灸和草藥進行治療,其中一些方子甚至是從網絡上搜羅來的。(《紐約時報》) ????*喬布斯的妻子對艾薩克森說:“關鍵在于他還沒有做好進行手術的準備。確實,這種事強迫不得”(《紐約時報》) ????*喬布斯決定借助現代醫學對抗癌癥時,可謂不計代價——包括花費10萬美元進行腫瘤DNA測序。(《紐約時報》) ????*去年春天,喬布斯就開始與自己想見的人進行臨終告別,其中就包括比爾?蓋茨。(《紐約時報》) ????*蓋茨對喬布斯極其著迷,但是發現他“骨子里透著古怪”,是一個“存在古怪缺陷的人”。(《赫芬頓郵報》) ????*喬布斯直到去世前,還一直在關注蘋果的新產品。【《個人電腦雜志》(PC Magazine)】 ????*他對艾薩克森說(或許是在開玩笑)他擔心人死后沒有來生——“點擊一下,然后人就消失了”——這也是為什么他不喜歡在蘋果產品上設置開關鍵的原因。(《六十分鐘時事雜志》,轉自Mac專欄作家安迪?伊納克) ????最新消息:哥倫比亞廣播公司(Columbia Broadcasting System)已經公布了周日《六十分鐘時事雜志》對喬布斯的傳記作家沃爾特?艾薩克森的專訪視頻以及其他未播出的片段。點擊查看。 ????自周一開始,由沃爾特?艾薩克森撰寫的精裝版《史蒂夫?喬布斯傳》開始發售,標價為35美元。讀者可以在附近書店購買或者花16.99美元從亞馬遜(Amazon)、蘋果公司的iBookstore或者巴諾書店公司(Barnes & Noble)購買電子版。 ????譯者:李淑玉/劉進龍 |
????* In the midst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Bill Clinton sought advice from Jobs. "I don't know if you did it," he told the President, "but if so, you've got to tell the country." (Washington Post) ????* He told Barack Obama he was headed for a one-term presidency (Huffington Post) ????* He offered to create Obama's ad campaign but became annoyed because Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't sufficiently deferential (HuffPo) ????* He joked that he had to hide the knives from his wife when Rupert Murdoch came to dinner (New York Times) ????* He was "annoyed and depressed" by the iPad launch's lukewarm reception -- which included more than 800 e-mails from users (HuffPo) ????* He was livid when Google (GOOG) copied the iPhone's interface, calling it "grand theft" (AP) ????* He swore to Isaacson he was going to destroy Android to his "last dying breath," even if he had to spend Apple's entire $40 billion cash hoard to do it (AP) ????* Yet when asked for business advice from Google CEO Larry Page earlier this year, he obliged, telling him to focus on just five products. "Get rid of the rest, because they're dragging you down. They're turning you into Microsoft." (Bloomberg Businessweek) ????* He told Isaacson he had figured out how to make a TV that was "completely easy to use... It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it." (WashPost) ????* He scrapped an early design for the new Cupertino campus because its shape reminded his teenage son of male genitalia (Merc) ????* He once told John Sculley he thought he would die young (HuffPo) ????* He came to regret having delayed surgery when his cancer was first diagnosed -- turning instead to fruit juices, acupuncture and herbal cures, some of which he found on the Internet (NYT) ????"The big thing was that he really was not ready to open his body," his wife told Isaacson. "It's hard to push someone to do that." (NYT) ????* When he decided to fight his cancer with modern medicine, he spared no expense -- including $100,000 to have the DNA of his tumor sequenced (NYT) ????* Jobs began meeting last spring with the people he wanted to see before he died, including Bill Gates (NYT) ????* Gates was fascinated with Jobs but found him "fundamentally odd" and "weirdly flawed as a human being" (HuffPo) ????* Jobs was working on new Apple products until the day he died (PC Magazine) ????* He told Isaacson, perhaps in jest, that his fear of death without an afterlife -- "click and you're gone" -- was why he didn't like putting on-off switches on Apple devices (60 Minutes via Andy Ihnatko) ????UPDATE: CBS has posted Sunday's 60 Minutes interview with Walter Isaacson plus several segments that weren't in the broadcast. Click here. ????Starting Monday, you will be able to buy Steve Jobs by Walter Isaascon in hardcover (list price: $35) at a bookstore near you or as a $16.99 e-book from Amazon, Apple's iBookstore or Barnes & Noble. |