????昨晚的事情我還有些恍惚……基南當時正在吃東西。他發短信給我,說正在回來的路上,還有,史蒂夫?喬布斯去世了。我的第一反應是他在開玩笑。我當時應該想到基南是蘋果的死忠粉絲,絕不會開那樣的玩笑。早在幾周之前,就有小道消息謠傳喬布斯已經過世。后來,我仔細查看了在線新聞,我意識到這次是真的。基南和我完全傻眼了。不到10分鐘,還沒等我們反應過來,各大媒體就蜂擁而至。到處擠滿了來自世界各國的媒體,爭相要求采訪我們……閃光燈閃個不停、攝像機拍個不停。許多人還聚在一起悼念喬布斯。我們完全不知所措,有點嚇傻了。大家圍向我們,我甚至數不清到底有多少人采訪過我們倆。既有單獨采訪,也有我倆一起的。他們都在收集對史蒂夫?喬布斯的看法——他對蘋果的意義如何,對整個科技界有何意義,對整個社會又有何意義。喬布斯是位不可思議的大人物,他改變了整個科技界,鼓勵大家不斷獨立自考。 ????下面這段精彩演講目前正在Facebook上瘋狂流傳,它直接引用自喬布斯的原話: ????“向那些瘋子致敬,他們特立獨行、桀驁不馴、惹是生非,與世俗格格不入……他們總是從不同角度看待問題——他們從不墨守陳規……你可以引述他們的看法,反駁他們,也可以贊美或詆毀他們,但唯獨不能漠視他們,因為他們在改變世界……他們推動人類前行,或許有些人把它們當作瘋子,但他們是我眼中的天才。因為只有那些瘋狂到認為自己能改變世界的人,才能真正改變整個世界。” ????無論是不是蘋果的粉絲,但有一點絕不容否認,那就是喬布斯的決斷、智慧、影響和悲憫之心。他是蘋果的靈魂,珍稀每一位顧客。邁入蘋果零售店,進入的不僅僅是虛擬電子產品游樂場,而是一個讓人賓至如歸的場所。顧客可以免費瀏覽、測試那些設備,甚至還能在計算機上處理個人業務(對于沒有自己wifi無線網的人而言,這一點非常寶貴)。然而,對我而言更重要的是其中積極、樂觀的氣氛。蘋果店員們非常樂意和顧客分享蘋果的產品和知識,為人們提供幫助。蘋果店員是全心全意地真正喜愛自己的工作,而不是僅僅為了生計而裝模作樣。這是蘋果給我們的莫大禮物,也是我不斷被蘋果零售店吸引的原因,雖然我通常更喜歡色彩明亮的商店,而不是白色素凈的蘋果店。真摯的微笑常在人心,讓顧客一天的心情都格外不同,而這樣的微笑在我所拜訪的每家蘋果零售店隨處可見。我有一些正在或曾在蘋果工作的朋友,我感到他們中洋溢著一種歸屬感(這僅僅是我的觀察,我自己并未親身和他們一道工作過),就像“蘋果之家”的感覺,這真是無比美妙。 ????癌癥是一個真正的婊子。請原諒我的法語。癌癥對患者而言是可怕的、毀滅性的,更別提患者的家人和朋友。對誰都是如此。不管你是史蒂夫?喬布斯或是張三李四,不論你是富有還是貧窮,是男是女,是老是少,是同性戀或是異性戀,是知名人物還是無名小卒……它可謂一視同仁。人們都很痛心。一位記者問我,我是否認為史蒂夫?喬布斯是一位不可替代的人物。我回答,沒錯,他不可替代。每個人都不可替代。人沒有尊卑貴賤之分。我們把有些人推上神壇,制造了一種幻覺,這些人是不朽的。雖然我本人并不認識喬布斯,但想到他經歷的苦難,我十分難過。他和所有人一樣都是凡人。這是我們社會的損失,我對此真的很難過,但我更為他的家人和他親近的人難過,盡管我很高興他周圍有這樣一個群人陪著他。史蒂夫?喬布斯不會被人們遺忘,他的影響永在人間。愿他安息。 ????iPhone 4S預定于美國時間10月14日早上8點發售。截至10月13日下午2點,在第五大道的蘋果商店前已有12人排隊。 ????譯者:項航 |
????"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they're not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." ????Whether or not you are a fan of Apple, there is no denying his determination, intelligence, influence, and compassion. He was the heart and soul of a company that values each and every customer. When you walk into an Apple Store, you encounter not only a virtual playground of electronics, but a place where you feel welcome. You are free to browse and test the merchandise, and even use the computers for personal use (a valuable tool for many people who do not have their own wifi). Even more important to me, however, is the positive, upbeat atmosphere. The employees are genuinely excited to help, to share their products and knowledge with the consumer, and seem to truly love what they do instead of just putting on an act. That in itself is a gift to be around, and why I am continuously drawn to the Apple Store despite the fact that I'm normally drawn to places that are filled with bright colors instead of the pristine white found at Apple. A real smile goes a long way and can make a difference in a customer's day, and smiles are plentiful in every branch I've visited. Having friends who work and have worked for Apple, it appears (simply from observation, as I haven't worked there myself) that there is a sense of community among them, almost like an "Apple family", and that's a beautiful thing. ????Cancer is, pardon my French, a real bitch. It is a terrible, devastating thing to go through for the sufferer, not to mention their family and friends. This is true whether you are Steve Jobs or Jane Doe. Rich, poor, male, female, old, young, gay, straight, famous, unknown…it doesn't discriminate. Everyone feels pain. One reporter asked me if I think Steve Jobs was an irreplaceable human being. I answered that yes, EVERY person is an irreplaceable human being. One person is not superior to another. We place people on pedestals and create the illusion that they are immortal, and although i did not personally know him, it pains me to think he had to suffer so much. He was as mortal as anyone. I am truly sad for the loss to society, but even more sad for his family and those who were close to him, though I am happy he had such an incredible support system. Steve Jobs will not be forgotten, and I am sure his legacy will carry on. RIP. ????The iPhone 4S is scheduled to go on sale at 8 a.m. Friday local time. As of 2 p.m. Thursday, the line at the Fifth Avenue store was 12 people long. |