????* 或許你覺得iPhone 4S的需求并不那么火熱,但事實上據蘋果公司(Apple)的報道,上周iPhone 4S發布后不到24小時,預訂的人數便超過了100萬人,比iPhone 4剛剛推出時整整多了67%。【蘋果、《財富》(Fortune)雜志】 ????* 據彭博社(Bloomberg)報道,史蒂夫?喬布斯的官方死因是由“轉移性胰腺神經內分泌腫瘤”導致的呼吸衰竭。與此同時,蘋果計劃下周三(也就是10月19日)在該公司的無限循環路總部悼念喬布斯,緬懷他的偉業。(彭博社、蘋果資訊網站9 to 5 Mac) ????* 前蘋果廣告部副總裁安迪?米勒追憶喬布斯以及自己的風投生涯。(科技博客SplatF) ????* 網飛(Netflix)這些日子似乎不大清楚自己應該做些什么。幾周前網飛剛剛宣布剝離自身的DVD業務,另外成立了一個名叫“Qwikster”的品牌,不過現在它卻打了退堂鼓。“美國會員仍將繼續使用一個網站、一個賬號和一個密碼,在網飛的品牌下享受看電影和看電視的樂趣。【美國有線電視新聞網財經頻道(CNNMoney)】 ????* 大家翹首以待的iPad版Facebook終于面世了。點擊此即可下載。(Facebook) ????* 另外,Facebook還收購了社交型在線問答服務網站Friend.ly.(科技博客TechCrunch) ????* 雖然Spotify的營收入2010年猛漲了458%,但它的虧損額也從前一年的2,600萬美元猛增到去年的4,200萬美元。【《紐約時報》(The New York Times)】 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????* Lest you think demand for iPhone 4S might be anything less than through the roof, Apple (AAPL) reported that pre-orders for its latest smartphone upgrade topped 1 million during the first 24 hours it was available last week. For some context, that's a 67% increase compared with its predecessor. (Apple and Fortune) ????* Bloomberg reports Steve Jobs' official cause of death was respiratory arrest caused by a "metastatic pancreas neuroendocrine tumor." Meanwhile, Apple plans to commemorate Jobs and his achievements at the company's Infinite Loop campus on Wednesday, Oct. 19. (Bloomberg and 9 to 5 Mac) ????* Former Apple VP of advertising Andy Miller on Jobs and becoming a venture capitalist. (SplatF) ????* Netflix (NFLX) doesn't quite know what to do with itself these days. Just weeks after announcing it was spinning off the DVD business and rebranding it "Qwikster," the company has backtracked. "Instead, U.S. members will continue to use one website, one account and one password for their movie and TV watching enjoyment under the Netflix brand," the company explained in a statement. (CNNMoney) ????* The Facebook iPad app many -- or well, some -- have pined for is here! Come and get it. (Facebook) ????* The social network giant also acquired the social question and answer service friend.ly. (TechCrunch) ????* Though Spotify's revenues jumped 458% in 2010, its losses also climbed to $42 million from $26 million the year before. (The New York Times) |