
????* 有消息稱,惠普(HP)正在裁減525名員工,他們的工作內容與廢棄的webOS系統硬件設備有關。惠普在一份聲明中承認本周確實已經開始裁員,但拒絕透露具體人數。【科技網站All Things D】 ????* 昨日有報道稱,“谷歌錢包”(Google Wallet)現已上線,盡管目前這一服務只對移動運營商Sprint網絡下的Nexus S 4G手機用戶開放。克萊斯?齊格勒在科技博客This is my next上對此進行了評論。【商業新聞博客商業內幕(Business Insider),科技博客This is my next】 ????* 《財富》雜志(Fortune)撰稿人馬克?薩斯特撰寫了一篇文章,討論為何網飛公司(Netflix)首席執行官里德?黑斯廷斯拆分公司的DVD和流媒體業務的舉措值得稱贊。【《財富》雜志(Fortune)】 ????* 據科技博客TechCrunch報道, Facebook不但將于本周在f8大會上推出社交音樂服務,還將揭開新的“Like”按鍵的面紗,包括“閱讀”、“收聽”和“觀看”。(科技博客TechCrunch) ????*阿里?戈德伯格人物特寫。年僅29歲的他是位于紐約的時尚界新貴、創業公司StyleCaster的首席執行官。【商業新聞博客商業內幕(Business Insider)】 ????譯者:珠珠 |
????* Sources tell All Things D that HP (HPQ)is laying offas many as 525 employees whose work related to (now-defunct) webOS hardware. Indeed, in a statement, HP confirmed layoffs start this week but declined to specify the number. (All Things D) ????* As reported yesterday, Google Walletis now live, though its service remains limited to the Nexus S 4G on Sprint for now. Chris Ziegler over at This is my next has the review. (Business Insider and This is my next) ????* Fortune contributor Mark Suster on why Netflix (NFLX) CEO Reed Hastingsshould be applaudedfor splitting up the company's DVD and streaming businesses. (Fortune) ????* TechCrunch reports that besides introducing social music services later this week at its f8 conference, Facebookwill also unveil new buttonsa la "Like," including "Read," Listened," and "Watched." (TechCrunch) ????* Meet Ari Goldberg,the 29-year-old CEO of rising New York City-based fashion startup, StyleCaster. (Business Insider) |