







專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2011年07月04日

Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業到風險投資業均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經營一份社區報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。


????我對“風險投資”的闡釋并不拘泥,但要剔除那些用于購買創始人或早期投資者股權的投資資金。另外,我也沒有收錄京東商城(360buy.com)獲得DST投資公司、Tiger Global(老虎環球基金)15億美元的投資交易,因為與該交易相關的公開信息甚少(而且一旦上了十億美元,我就認為“已不再屬于風險投資范疇”)。.


1(t). 窩窩團: 2.00億美元

????本榜單收錄了很多看上去就是美國企業翻版的中國公司。窩窩團就是眾多渴望成為中國版Groupon的公司之一。參與窩窩團首輪盛大融資的投資者包括鼎暉投資(CDH Ventures)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、天佑投資(Sky Blessing Investment)和清科(Zero2IPO Ventures)。窩窩團在宣布這樁融資交易時表示,公司正在準備赴美上市——但尚未向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交任何書面文件。

1(t). LivingSocial: 2.00億美元

????LivingSocial是總部位于哥倫比亞特區的Groupon的競爭對手(注意到一個投資熱點了吧?),4月初宣布獲得4億美元融資。但隨后提交的監管文件顯示,有約一半的資金用于收購現有股東股權。因此,LivingSocial未單獨出現在排行榜首并不為怪。股東包括Grotech Ventures、史蒂夫?凱斯、風投公司U.S. Venture Partners、亞馬遜(Amazon.com)、光速創投(Lightspeed Venture Partners)、共同基金公司T. Rowe Price和風險投資公司Institutional Venture Partners等。

3. BrightSource Energy: 1.68億美元

????BrightSource是一家總部位于奧克蘭的熱電廠開發企業,正在進行上市登記(2.50億美元)。此輪融資來自谷歌(Google),將幫助完成位于莫哈韋沙漠中的一家太陽能發電廠的建設。有報告認為,Brightsource 2季度也獲得了2.01億美元的風險投資,但監管文件顯示,從技術角度而言,該交易完成于1季度。

4. CSNStores: 1.65億美元

????總部位于波士頓的CSN Stores是一家有著九年歷史的家居用品零售網站,但在本月早些時候之前從未進行過外部融資。此輪投資者包括Battery Ventures、Great Hill Partners、HarbourVest Partners和Spark Capital等投資機構。

5. Gilt Groupe: 1.38億美元

????Gilt是一家總部位于紐約的奢侈品“秒殺”零售商,據報道此輪融資對其估值超過了10億美元。風險基金軟銀(Softbank Group)領投,承諾出資6,250萬美元,并同意支持Gilt Group Japan成立一家對等持股的合資公司。其他新投資者包括高盛、恩頤投資公司(New Enterprise Associates)、德豐杰風投(Draper Fisher Jurvetson Growth)、Pinnacle Ventures、TriplePoint Capital和Eastward Capital等投資機構。再次參與的投資者包括General Atlantic和Matrix Partners等機構。

6. Fisker Automotive: 1.15億美元

????Fisker是一家總部位于加州歐文的電動汽車生產商,該公司并不是總是公布融資交易。幸運的是,它的確按要求向美國證券交易委員會提交相關文件。此次屬于第三輪第一回合融資,于5月份和6月份早些時候完成。之前,該公司曾獲得約5.40億美元融資以及美國能源部(Department of Energy)提供的5.28億美元低息貸款。股東包括New Enterprise Associates、Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers和Palo Alto Investors等投資機構。

7. 拉手網:1.11億美元

????上榜的另一家中國公司拉手網團購網站Groupon和Foursquare (或者GrouponLive)的混合體。麥頓投資(Milestone Capital Partners)和Richemont SA共同領投此輪融資。之前,拉手網曾融資5,500萬美元,投資者包括Tenaya Capital、Norwest Venture、the Rebate Network和GSR Partners等機構。

8. Tabula Inc.: 1.08億美元

????Tabula是一家總部位于加州圣塔克拉拉的無廠半導體公司,專門生產3D可編程邏輯設備。這是第二輪融資,第一輪融資規模也是龐大的1.05億美元。Crosslink Capital和DAG Venture投資公司共同領投此輪融資,再次投資者包括Balderton Capital、Benchmark Capital、Greylock Partners、Integral Capital和New Enterprise Associates等投資機構。

9. Cameron Health: 1.07億美元

????上榜的首家生命科學公司Cameron Health是一家總部位于加州圣克萊門特的植入式除纖顫器生產商。風險投資機構Alloy Ventures和Delphi Ventures共同領投這第二輪融資。公司方未透露有哪些現有股東參與了融資,但之前它曾獲得波士頓科學(Boston Scientific Corp.)、CDIB BioVentures、 Investor Growth Capital、Pinnacle Ventures、PTV Sciences、Three Arch Partners和Versant Ventures等機構的投資。

10(t) Intrexon Corp.: 1.00億美元

????這是這家位于弗吉尼亞州布萊克斯堡的合成生物學公司的第二輪融資。新投資者未透露,但原有投資方包括Third Security LLC和首席執行官蘭德爾?柯克參與了本輪投資。

10(t) Square: 1.00億美元

????據報道,這家總部位于舊金山的移動支付解決方案提供商在此次第三輪融資中獲得融資前估值10億美元。風險投資機構Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers領投,其他投資者還有Tiger Global Management,以及紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)、Khosla Ventures等再次投資者。

????The second quarter is just hours away from ending, which means it's time for the first of what will be many lists. This one is the quarter's largest venture capital deals.

????I was fairly liberal in my interpretation of "venture capital," but did try to exclude any money raised for the purpose of founder or early investor liquidity. I also didn't list a $1.5 billion financing for 360buy.com from DST and Tiger Global, because there is too little information available about the transaction (and once we're in the billions, my "that's no longer VC" light begins blinking).

????Here you go:

1(t). 55tuan.com: $200 million

????A lot of this list consists of Chinese companies that look like knock-offs of American companies. In this case, 55tuan is one of many companies vying to become the Groupon of China. Investors in this massive Series A round included CDH Ventures, Goldman Sachs, Sky Blessing Investment and Zero2IPO Ventures. Upon announcing the deal, 55tuan said that it was prepping for a U.S. IPO -- but no paperwork has yet been filed with the SEC.

1(t). LivingSocial: $200 million

????LivingSocial is the Washington, D.C.-based Groupon rival (notice a theme yet?) that in early April announced that it had raised $400 million. A subsequent regulatory filing, however, showed that about half the money was being used for existing shareholder liquidity. Not surprising, but also why LivingSocial doesn't get to sit alone atop our list. Shareholders include Grotech Ventures, Steve Case, U.S. Venture Partners, Amazon.com, Lightspeed Venture Partners, T. Rowe Price and Institutional Venture Partners.

3. BrightSource Energy: $168 million

????BrightSource is an Oakland-based thermal power plant developer that is currently in registration for a $250 million IPO. This particular round came from Google (GOOG), to help complete construction on a solar power tower plant in the Mojave Desert. Some reports suggest that Brightsource also raised a $201 million VC round in Q2, but regulatory filings show that deal technically closed in Q1.

4. CSNStores: $165 million

????Boston-based CSN Stores is a nine-year old online retailer of home goods, but had never raised outside funding until earlier this month. The round came from Battery Ventures, Great Hill Partners, HarbourVest Partners and Spark Capital.

5. Gilt Groupe: $138 million

????Gilt is a New York-based "flash deal" retailer of luxury goods, and reportedly raised this round at a valuation in excess of $1 billion. Softbank Group led the deal with a $62.5 million commitment, and also agreed to back a 50/50 joint venture for Gilt Group Japan. Other new investors included Goldman Sachs, New Enterprise Associates, Draper Fisher Jurvetson Growth, Pinnacle Ventures, TriplePoint Capital and Eastward Capital. Return backers included General Atlantic and Matrix Partners.

6. Fisker Automotive: $115 million

????Fisker is an Irvine, Calif.-based electric car maker that doesn't always announce its financing events. Luckily, it does dutifully file with the SEC. This represents a Series C-1 round, which held a first close in May and a second one earlier this month. It previously raised around $540 million, plus a $528 million low-cost loan from the Department of Energy. Shareholders include New Enterprise Associates, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Palo Alto Investors.

7. Lashou.com: $111 million

????The other Chinese company on our list, Lashou.com has been described as a combination of Groupon and Foursquare (or, perhaps, GrouponLive). Milestone Capital Partners and Richemont SA co-led this round. Lashou previously raised $55 million from Tenaya Capital, Norwest Venture, the Rebate Network and GSR Partners.

8. Tabula Inc.: $108 million

????Tabula is a Santa Clara, Calif.-based fabless semiconductor company focused on 3D programmable logic devices. This was a Series B round, following up on an equally-outsized $105 million Series A round. Crosslink Capital and DAG Ventures co-led the new infusion, and were joined by return backers Balderton Capital, Benchmark Capital, Greylock Partners, Integral Capital and New Enterprise Associates.

9. Cameron Health: $107 million

????The first life sciences company on our list, Cameron Health is a San Clemente, Calif.-based maker of implantable defibrillators. Alloy Ventures and Delphi Ventures co-led this Series F round. No word on which existing shareholders also participated, but past investments came from such firms as Boston Scientific Corp., CDIB BioVentures, Investor Growth Capital, Pinnacle Ventures, PTV Sciences, Three Arch Partners and Versant Ventures.

10(t) Intrexon Corp.: $100 million

????This is a Series E round for the Blacksburg, Va.-based synthetic biology company. New investors were not identified, but return backers included Third Security LLC and CEO Randal Kirk.

10(t) Square: $100 million

????The San Francisco-based provider of mobile payment solutions reportedly raised this Series C funding at a pre-money valuation of $1 billion. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers led the round, and was joined by Tiger Global Management and return backers like Sequoia Capital and Khosla Ventures.








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