????2008年夏天,iPhone 3G和MobileMe同時發布,這多多少少帶有些不祥之兆的意味——Gizmodo的一位讀者稱這一發布為“iPo之災”(iPocalypse)。這之后,史蒂夫?喬布斯在蘋果公司位于庫比蒂諾的總部的集會會堂中召集了MobileMe的團隊,對他們來了一場臟話連篇的厲聲訓斥。他告訴這支團隊:“你們已經玷污了蘋果的聲譽。你們應該因為讓彼此失望而相互憎恨。”隨后,他當場任命了一位新的管理者執掌這個團隊。 ????這就是亞當?拉辛斯基在新一期《財富》(Fortune)上發表的專題特寫“蘋果內幕”中最重磅的軼聞。訂閱iPad版《財富》的讀者可以讀到這則特寫。2008年,拉辛斯基寫出了蘋果公司首席運營官蒂姆?庫克的真實面貌。而這則軼聞我此前從未聽說過。它是拉辛斯基費盡心機得來的生動細節之一。他通過幾個月的實地探訪報道,設法從這家高度保密的公司那里弄到了這些秘聞。其他揭秘如下: ????? “看門人和副總裁的區別”訓導詞——據說是喬布斯對每位升任公司副總裁級別的管理人員必講的管理心得。 ????? 蘋果公司對待“盈&虧賬目”(其他公司的部門經理對本部門盈利和虧損負責所依據的財務報告)絕對顛覆常規的激進手法。 ????? 喬布斯的“首要100”非現場會議對被邀請參會和無緣參會的員工所產生的效果。 ????? 一張精心編制的組織結構圖——以喬布斯為中心——包括了數位副總裁,他們的名字永遠也沒法從蘋果公司的公關部門獲得。 ????? 給喬布斯在第二次病退前雇傭的“一幫書呆子”分派的關鍵任務。 ????如果您訂閱了《財富》雜志,就可以在iPad上免費閱讀5月23日出版的“財富美國500強”這一期上拉辛斯基故事的其余部分。您可在此處的iTunes獲取《財富》iPad應用程序。如果您不是印刷版的訂閱者,請點擊此處。您可在線完成整個訂閱過程。 ????譯者:清遠 |
????After the simultaneous, and more-or-less disastrous, launch of the iPhone 3G and MobileMe in the summer of 2008 -- the launch one Gizmodo reader dubbed "iPocalypse" -- Steve Jobs summoned the MobileMe team to the Town Hall auditorium on Apple's (AAPL) Cupertino campus for an obscenity-laden dressing down. "You've tarnished Apple's reputation," he told them. "You should hate each other for having let each other down." Then he named a new executive on the spot to run the team. ????That's the lead anecdote of "Inside Apple," Adam Lashinsky's feature story in the new issue of Fortune -- available to subscribers on the iPad. It's an anecdote I'd never heard before, one of dozens of juicy details that Lashinsky -- who wrote the definitive profile of Apple COO Tim Cook in 2008 -- managed to extract from the secretive company through several months of old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting. Among the other revelations: ????? The sermon on the "Difference Between the Janitor and the Vice President" -- a kind of managerial parable Jobs reportedly tells every exec who reaches the VP level ????? Apple's radical approach to "P&L" (the financial statement by which individual managers in other companies are held responsible for profits and losses in their divisions) that turns the concept on its head ????? The effect Jobs' "Top 100" off-site meetings have on the employees who are invited and those who are left behind ????? An elaborate org chart -- centered around Jobs -- that includes dozens of VPs whose names you'll never get from Apple PR ????? The mission-critical task assigned to the "band of eggheads" that Jobs hired just before his second medical leave ????You can read Lashinsky's story -- and the rest of the May 23 Fortune 500 issue -- on the iPad for free if you are a Fortune subscriber. You can get the Fortune iPad app on iTunes here. If you're not a print subscriber, click here. You can conduct the entire transaction online. |