????針對是為蘋果(Apple)的iOS操作系統還是為谷歌(Google)的Android操作系統開發應用程序更明智這一話題,聯合廣場風險投資公司(Union Square Ventures)的弗雷德?威爾森與Instapaper的馬爾科?阿門特于上周末進行了一番辯論。緊接著,貝爾德公司的威廉姆?鮑爾斯在本周一公布了一份由250位開發人員參與的調研結果。 ????身為一名風險投資家,威爾森一直建議開發人員先為Android開發應用程序,而且他預言iPhone與Android之間的競爭終將成為Windows與Macintosh之爭的翻版。 ????而開發人員出身的阿門特則對這個建議不以為然。他認為Android的市場份額增加可能并不屬實,特別是考慮到iPad的興起。另外,他指出谷歌的操作系統作為一個開發環境存在嚴重缺陷。 ????貝爾德公司的調研結果顯示,開發人員已采納威爾森的建議。71%的調查對象表示他們已經在為Android開發應用程序,而選擇為iOS開發應用程序的僅占62%(為其他任何平臺開發應用程序的受訪者比例均不超過27%)。 ????但調研同時顯示,為Android開發應用的程序員發現,該系統生態環境恰如阿門特預示的那樣存在風險。 ????其中,顯著存在的問題包括: ????·移動設備分散。56%的Android開發人員表示,Android各款移動設備間的操作系統分散性是一個嚴重或“重大”的問題,而對這一劣勢的投訴比例實際上在過去的三個月有所上升。 ????·應用商店分化。一些開發人員對Android應用商店的分化現象表示出憂慮。貝爾德公司的調研報告指出,“一般來說,開發人員更偏好統一獨立的應用商店,諸如蘋果的應用商店?!?/p> ????·應用開發難度大。在這方面,iOS性能優于Android,但與RIM公司的黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系統或諾基亞(Nokia)的Symbian相比,為iOS和Android開發應用要簡單得多。 ????·應用曝光率低。貝爾德公司的調研報告指出,“iOS繼續保持行業領先地位,黑莓緊隨其后,而Android在這一方面仍然處于劣勢。”開發人員對于Android生態系統中的“垃圾”應用程序數量尤其擔心。 ????·獲得收入的情況。iOS在此方面同樣領先,黑莓則位居其次。 |
????On the heels of the debate played out over the weekend between Union Square Ventures' Fred Wilson and Instapaper's Marco Arment about whether it's wiser to be writing apps for Apple's (AAPL) iOS or Google's (GOOG) Android come the results a survey of 250 working developers released Monday by Baird's William Powers. ????Wilson, a venture capitalist, has been advising developers to write first for Android, predicting that the iPhone vs. Android battle will turn out to be a replay of Windows vs. Macintosh. ????Arment, a developer, thinks that's bad advice. He believes Android's market share gains may be illusory -- especially when the rise of the iPad is taken into account -- and that as a development environment, Google's OS has serious shortcomings. ????Baird's survey suggests that developers have taken Wilson's advice. 71% of respondents said they were writing apps for Android vs. 62% for iOS. (None of the other platforms drew more than 27%.) ????But the survey also suggests that programmers writing for Android are finding the ecosystem to be every bit as perilous as Arment predicted. ????Among the problems that surfaced: ?????Device fragmentation.56% of Android developers said that operating system fragmentation among the various Android devices was a meaningful or "huge" problem, a percentage that actually increased over the past three months. ?????Store fragmentation.Several developers expressed concern over Android app store fragmentation. "Generally," Baird reports, "developers seem to prefer a unified, single store experience like Apple's App Store." ?????Ease of development.iOS outscored Android, but both were considered far easier to develop for than, say, Research in Motion's (RIMM) BlackBerry OS or Nokia (NOK) Symbian. ?????App visibility."iOS continues to lead," Baird reports, "followed by Blackberry, with Android still receiving poor marks in this category." Developers are particularly concerned about the level of "junk" apps in the Android ecosystem. ?????Ability to get paid.iOS leads here too, followed by BlackBerry. |