????我不清楚愚人節跟Glassdoor.com所發布的最新調研結果是否有關,不過,谷歌公司(Google)前任首席執行官埃里克?施密特離職之后,確實力壓其他技術型公司首席執行官,在這份支持率排行榜上榮登榜首。 ????Glassdoor的調研結果實在談不上科學。它是從調研匿名在職員工及離職員工,面試候選對象,甚至是公司本身得來的。但是,這些數字似乎確實與所調查公司的相對成功相一致。 ????埃里克?施密特(支持率從93%上升到96%)與喬布斯(支持率從98%降至95%)分處一二位,亞馬遜公司(Amazon)的杰夫?貝索斯(支持率從87%降至83%)和甲骨文公司(Oracle)的拉里?埃里森(支持率從77%降至73%)緊隨其后。埃里森的生活出現過一些波折,同時,他與惠普公司(HP)的糾紛以及與谷歌公司的Java訴訟可能也是讓他不得一些員工青睞的原因。 ????雅虎公司(Yahoo)的卡羅爾?巴茨是最大的輸家,支持率從77%猛跌至50%。這使她與微軟公司(Microsoft)的史蒂夫?鮑爾默(支持率從46%跌至榜上最低位40%)和戴爾公司(Dell)的邁克爾?戴爾(支持率從36%升至48%)平起平坐。 ????馬克?扎克伯格未列入此次調查中,雖然Glassdoor去年末曾在一項調查中將Facebook列為最適合工作的公司榜首。 ????以下是該排行榜的圖示: |
????I'm not sure if the date has anything to do with the latest findings, but now former Google (GOOG) CEO Eric Schmidt left his position on top of other tech CEOs. ????Glassdoor's results are anything but scientific. The survey results come from anonymous current and former employees, interviewed candidates, and even the companies themselves. However, the numbers seem to trend with the relative success of the companies involved. ????Following Eric Schmidt (96% approval rating up from 93%) and Jobs (95% down from 98%) are Amazon's (AMZN) Jeff Bezos (83% down from 87%) and Oracle's (ORCL) Larry Ellison (73% down from 77%). There has been some tumult in Ellison's life and his war with HP(HPQ) and Java suit with Google might have turned off a few employees. ????Yahoo's Carol Bartz was the biggest loser having dropped from 77% to 50%. That puts her in the same leave with Microsoft's (MSFT) Steve Ballmer (40% - the lowest - down from 46%) and Dell's (DELL) Michael Dell who climbed from 36% to 48%. ????Mark Zuckerberg was not ranked in this poll, though Glassdoor had put Facebook at the top of places to work in a poll late last year. ????Full size graph below the fold: |
