Piper Jaffray: iPad 2全部售空,70%賣給了新買家

????在紐約市和明尼阿波利斯,吉恩?曼斯特的團隊走訪了等著購買iPad 2的長長的隊伍,采訪了236位熱切的買家。此外,他們還打電話給各類零售商(蘋果商店、塔吉特、百思買,等等),詢問產品的情況。其調研結果于上周日晚公布,如下: ?????曼斯特堅持他的預測,即iPad2將賣出40萬~50萬臺。相較之下,去年iPad 1首發那個周末,賣出了30萬臺。 ????區別在于,幾乎所有的iPad 2都于一天之內售空;到周六,商店的庫房內,iPad 2已經彈盡糧絕,而且未有新貨補充。周末,曼斯特團隊在打電話給零售商時發現,他們根本無法找到一臺iPad 2。 ????購買iPad 2的人中,有70%是首次購買iPad;相較之下,iPhone 4發布時,只有23%的買家屬于新顧客。 ?????購買者中,Mac系統用戶和PC用戶幾乎各占半壁江山(51%/49%)。相較之下,iPad 1發布時,購買者中Mac系統用戶和PC用戶的比例為74%/26%。 ????? 有47%的購買者買的是3G機型。該款機型需要額外付費130美元。 ?????有41%的人買的是32GB iPad 2,而當時購買32GB iPad 1的人比例為32%。還有少數人買了64GB機型。這意味著,iPad 2首發時的平均售價(ASP)要遠遠高于iPad 1。(曼斯特并未提及,在許多專賣店,最先售空的是16GB的iPad,接下來是32GB機型。這可能是推高iPad 2首發日平均售價的一個原因。) ?????65%的購買者已經擁有一部iPhone,24%的人手中已有一部Kindle(在iPad 1的購買者中,此比例為13%),但是,僅有6%的人計劃用iPad閱讀(iPad 1發布時,Piper Jaffray亦進行了類似的調研,彼時這一比例是19%)。 ?????有17%的人希望用iPad 2使用應用程序或者玩游戲;iPad 1發布時,這一比例只有9%。這說明,蘋果應用商店(App Store)生態系統在迅速成長壯大。 ????曼斯特表示,新購買者的數量尤其重要: ????“我們認為,這一現象表明,蘋果iPad 用戶群在不斷擴大。這對于蘋果保持其在迅速成長的平板電腦市場的領先地位至關重要。隨著用戶群的擴大,蘋果的領先優勢也隨之擴大,而建立無與倫比的品牌忠誠度,正是蘋果一直以來所擅長的。我們認為,隨著平板電腦市場進一步發展壯大,這些將成為蘋果強有力的優勢。” ????以下是Piper Jaffray調研的細節: |
????Gene Munster's team at Piper Jaffray walked the iPad 2 lines in New York City and Minneapolis and interviewed 236 would-be buyers. They also called various retailers (Apple stores, Target, Best Buy, etc.) looking for product. The results of their survey were released Sunday night. Their findings: ????? Munster is sticking with his estimate of 400,000 to 500,000 iPad 2s sold, compared with 300,000 iPad 1s in its first weekend last year. ????? The difference is that nearly all those iPad 2s were sold in one day; stocks were essentially depleted by Saturday and not replenished. In its calls to retailers over the weekend, his team was unable to find a single iPad 2. ????? 70% of iPad 2 buyers were new to the iPad, compared with 23% of iPhone 4 buyers who were new to the iPhone at launch. ????? Buyers were split almost evenly between Mac and PC users (51%/49%). By contrast, the split for the original iPad was 74%/26%. ????? 47% of buyers were purchasing a 3G model, which carries a $130 premium. ????? 41% purchased the 32GB iPad 2, up from 32% who bought the 32GB version of the original iPad. The 64GB models also gained a slight share. This means that the iPad 2's average selling price (ASP) at launch was considerably higher than original iPad's. (Munster doesn't mention that at many outlets, Apple (AAPL) ran out of 16GB iPads first, then 32BG models, which may have been a factor pushing up the launch-day ASP.) ????? 65% of buyers owned an iPhone, 24% owned a Kindle (up from 13% of original iPad buyers), but only 6% plan to read with their iPad (down from 19% in Piper Jaffray's first iPad survey). ????? 17% expect to use apps and play games, up from 9%, which suggests that the App Store ecosystem is growing. ????The number new buyers was particularly significant, says Munster: ????"We believe this shows Apple is expanding its base of iPad users, which is critical to maintaining its early lead in the growing tablet market. As the user base grows Apple's lead widens, and the company has a proven track record of building unmatched brand loyalty, which we believe will be a potent combination as the tablet market evolves." ????Below: The details of the Piper Jaffray survey: |
