“透視領導力”是一個在線社區,最睿智、最有影響力的商界大佬會在此回答一些有關職業生涯和領導力的問題。今天的問題是:面對艱難處境該怎樣決策?答問者是人力資源軟件公司HighGround創始人兼首席執行官威普?桑德爾。 每位企業領導都會碰上做重大商業決策的時候,包括并購、管理層人事更迭、企業重組,以及與員工密切相關的大規模業績增長計劃等。 如果你在員工中建立了信任,就可以大為減少潛在的負面影響,還有信心認為即使員工不認同,至少也會接受。但贏得員工的信任需要時間。身為領導者,只有充分展示出能力、言行一致、誠信待人、信守承諾,才能獲得信任。好消息是有一些策略可以用: 通過培養員工敬業態度建立信任 鼓勵員工不斷反饋,營造坦誠的氛圍,員工會相信前進的方向沒錯,得到的指令也沒問題。把重點放在即時認可員工的成績、持續反饋,不斷給員工設定目標,就能營造高度敬業的企業文化。 ? 企業出現變化后,跟員工溝通時要真誠。有時根據業績情況年中會做業務微調,此時跟員工保持溝通就會有助于維護穩定,也能推動員工根據企業情況調整預期。 ? 調整預期方面,及時反饋是最有效的溝通方式。此外,平時多交流就不必等到年底再統一反饋,不僅收效甚微,還增加了溝通的難度。 持續設定目標可以幫助員工找到自己最適合擔任的崗位,明確奮斗方向。更好的做法是讓公司上下權責透明公開,每個人都努力追求優秀業績,愛崗敬業,推動業務發展并成功打造企業文化。 出現變化后要注意員工情緒變化,估計可能造成的影響。 領導做重要決策時還有個難處在于,不希望讓員工意外或失望。回憶一下你最近一次向整個公司宣布重大決定時的情景。當時你知道員工是什么反應嗎?是開心還是震驚?或者更糟糕,你根本不了解員工有什么反應?及時做做滿意度調查、把握員工的態度,尤其是在變動期間,從而更精準地預判員工的反應,出現問題立即解決。滿意度調查的結果可以幫助管理層對未來的行動更有前瞻性,贏得信任,促進企業文化更公開透明。 倘若員工和管理者能為了實現企業的目標而緊密團結,企業的愿景和價值觀就會被廣泛接受。 歸根結底,企業領導不應想著把困難的決策簡單化,應該考慮如何做決策才不會打擊員工士氣,也不會影響企業的宗旨。只要建立了協同反饋的企業文化,領導者今后在做艱難決策時,會很清楚員工的想法,又擁有員工的充分信任,公司上下積極接受決策便會順理成章。 (財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
The Leadership Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in business contribute answers to timely questions about careers and leadership. Today’s answer to the question “How do you make tough business decisions?” is written by Vip Sandhir, founder and CEO of HighGround. All company leaders will face major business decisions throughout their time as the heads of their organizations. Difficult decisions related to activities such as M&A, leadership changes, restructuring, and massive growth plans will directly impact the company’s employees. If you’ve already established trust with your workforce, you can significantly minimize potential negative impacts and be more assured your employees will buy in to your decisions, even if they don’t necessarily agree with them. But earning their faith takes time. As a leader, you are trusted only to the degree that people believe in your ability, consistency, integrity, and commitment to deliver. The good news is that you can earn confidence over time by relying on a few strategies: Instill trust through an employee engagement program By encouraging consistent feedback and establishing an honest environment, employees will trust the direction and information you give them. Create a highly engaged culture by prioritizing real-time recognition, continuous feedback, and ongoing goal-setting. ? Change and react with meaningful conversations. You’ve likely had to adjust your business plan in the middle of the year. Real-time, continuous communication helps you keep employees in the loop and adjust to expectations as your organization’s needs change. ? Giving timely feedback is the most effective way to communicate expectations. Not only that, but saving your big kudos until the end of the year isn’t just ineffective—it is makes it more difficult to deliver. ? Ongoing goal-setting can help people understand where their contributions fit within the organization and where they need to aim. Better yet, these can be transparent across the organization so everyone is held accountable for the outcomes and behaviors that drive your business and cultural success. Gather and measure sentiment during times of change Part of the difficulty in making tough business decisions is leaders don’t want to surprise or disappoint employees. Think about the last time you made a major company-wide announcement. Did you know if employees were happy? Were they shocked? Or even worse, did you have no insight into their reactions at all? If you regularly measure employee sentiment through real-time pulse surveys—especially during times of change—you can more accurately pinpoint reactions and address issues immediately. The results of these pulse surveys empower your leadership team to be more forthcoming moving forward, earning the trust of employees and strengthening a transparent company culture. If there is a strong link between employees and managers to the goals of the organization, the vision and values of the company will be embraced by all. At the end of the day, the mindset shouldn’t be about how you can make tough decisions easier, but how you can make those decisions in a way that won’t negatively impact your employees or your organization’s objectives. Create a collaborative feedback culture, and when the time comes to make difficult decisions, you know that with your team’s insights in mind and trust in the leadership, the decision will be accepted positively. |