????別提什么至少提前兩周通知公司,精心安排一次離職面談,在卷鋪蓋走人前費盡心機跟人搞好關系了。有些人在離職時太過匆忙,根本顧不上這些套路。 ????另一些人則采用一些頗具創意的告別方式。人力資源公司OfficeTeam邀請美國600位人力資源經理透露一下他們最近耳聞目睹的最古怪離職方式。現在就讓我們一起來欣賞一下吧: ????“有個員工烤了個蛋糕,把辭職信直接寫在了蛋糕上。” ????“有個家伙請了一支軍樂隊來陪他宣布離職。” ????“有個員工把一塊上面寫著‘我不干了!’的磚頭扔進公司窗戶。” ????“一個員工離開時留了張便利貼,上面寫著他走人了。” ????“有個人離職時給全體員工群發了一封郵件。” ????“有個人把一杯咖啡摔在地上后就揚長而去。” ????“有個家伙有一天跟所有同事說這是他最后一天了,結果卻沒讓老板和人力資源部經理知道。” ????有些人會充分運用科技的力量: ????“有個人給老板發了個短信,說他要離職了。” ????“有個人在Facebook上公開辭職。” ????“有個員工在公司網站上發帖稱自己辭職了。” ????“還有人在視頻會議上宣布辭職。” ????有些人則特地請人代勞: ????“有個人請妻子跟自己老板打電話說他不會再來上班了。” ????“有個人給同事發了條短信說自己辭職了,并請她把這條短信轉發給高管。” ????“有個員工的父母跟公司聯系,告訴我們說,他們的兒子辭職了。” ????還有些人直接就玩消失了: ????“有個人說自己去上廁所,然后就再沒回來。” ????“有個女員工打包好自己的東西就一言不發地走了。” ????“有些人說自己去吃午飯了,然后一去不回。” ????“有個人在會議中途沖了出去,一句話也沒留。” ????“有個女員工說自己去買靴子,但再也沒露過面。” ????OfficeTeam公司的執行總監羅伯特?霍思金表示:“離職的方式會給人留下難以磨滅的印象。”確實如此。本次調查中的絕大多數(86%)人力資源經理聲稱, ????員工離職的方式“會影響他們今后在職場上的機會”。畢竟很多事是口口相傳的。(財富中文網) ????譯者:清遠 ????審校:任文科 |
????Forget giving at least two weeks notice, finessing an exit interview, and tactfully networking your way out the door. Some people are in too big a hurry for any of that. ????Others have come up with some, um, creative ways to say sayonara. When staffing firm OfficeTeam asked about 600 U.S. human resources managers to describe the weirdest ways they’ve seen or heard people resign lately, here’s what they said: ????“An employee baked a cake with her resignation letter written on top.” ????“One guy hired a marching band to accompany his announcement.” ????“The worker threw a brick through the window with the words ‘I quit’ written on it.” ????“An employee left a sticky note saying that he was quitting.” ????“The individual sent an email blast to the entire staff.” ????“One employee threw a cup of coffee and walked out.” ????“An employee bragged to all his colleagues that it was his last day, but failed to let his boss or the HR manager know.” ????A few people took advantage of technology: ????“An employee sent his boss a text message to say he was leaving.” ????“One person quit on Facebook.” ????“The employee submitted a message through the company web site.” ????“Someone resigned via a video conference call.” ????Some delegated the task: ????“One person had his wife call to tell his boss he was not coming back.” ????“A worker sent a text to a colleague saying he was quitting and asked her to forward it to management.” ????“One employee’s parents contacted the company to let us know their son was resigning. ????And others simply disappeared: ????“One person said he was going to the men’s room and didn’t return.” ????“An employee packed up her belongings and walked out without a word.” ????“Someone left for lunch and never came back.” ????“An employee stormed out in the middle of a meeting, without explanation.” ????“The employee said she was going out to buy boots, but was never seen again.” ????“How you leave a position can make a lasting impression,” notes OfficeTeam executive director Robert Hosking. That’s for sure. Most (86%) of the HR managers in the survey said that how someone quits a job “affects their future career opportunities.” Word gets around. |