????艾波琳不得不將自己的孩子送到一家位置偏僻的日托機構,因為斯坦福大學附近的日托價格都太高。而歐萊雅的獎金則可以讓她選擇一個離自己更近的日托機構。她說道:“這是我在自己生活中面臨的問題,但卻影響到了我的工作,因為我不得不每天開車行駛很遠的距離。這妨礙了我的研究進展速度。”奧康奈爾表示,這筆獎金使她可以有更多時間陪伴女兒,因為她不必再每天花數個小時寫經費申請書。寫經費申請書是學術科學家工作中最無趣的部分。 ????然而,金錢帶來的幫助只有這么多。在學術科學界還存在許多深層次的性別歧視,這需要改變文化。例如,今年早些時候發表的一項研究發現,在進行野外工作時,64%的女性遭遇過性騷擾,其中有五分之一曾遭遇性侵犯。 ????男性主導的實驗室環境,以一種更加微妙的方式影響著女性的日常生活。艾波琳描述了自己如何與男同事的陳腐觀點斗爭。她的男同事們認為,她在學術上無法與他們媲美。而且她每兩個小時要去一次哺乳室,讓他們更堅信這種觀點。她說道:“在幾乎全是男性的化學系,給孩子哺乳會讓你非常尷尬。在這樣的環境下工作很有挑戰性;最終,你必須證明自己能把工作做好。” ????歐萊雅獎獲得者認為,要解決這些問題,唯一的方法是吸引更多女性進入科研領域。艾波琳計劃利用部分獎金,招聘女性研究助理。奧康奈爾則邀請來自女子科學俱樂部(Science Club for Girls)的高中生,幫助開展研究項目。 ????艾波琳和奧康奈爾都相信,如果更多女性科學家能向年輕女性們證明,她們在從事尖端科學研究的同時,也可以組建家庭,這一趨勢必將被扭轉。艾波琳說道,盡管面臨巨大困難,但成功的女性有責任為其他女同胞掃清道路。她說道:“我以前去參加會議,經常遇到只有自己一位女化學家的情況,這令我感到恐懼。但我突然意識到,我在那里代表的是其他女性;我必須竭盡全力為她們創造機會。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????Eberlin has had to take her baby to an inconveniently located daycare facility because the options near Stanford are too expensive. The L’Oreal grant, though, will allow her to afford a closer alternative. “It was a problem I was facing in my personal life that bled into my work because I had to drive so far every day,” she says. “It was slowing me down.” O’Connell, for her part, says the money will allow her to spend more time with her daughter because she will no longer need spend hours a day writing grant proposals, which is one of the less glamorous parts of an academic scientist’s life. ????However, money can only help so much. There are many deep-rooted forms of gender discrimination in academic science that require cultural change. For instance, a study released earlier this year found that while doing fieldwork, 64% of women scientists have been sexually harassed and one in five has been a victim of sexual assault. ????In more subtle ways, the male-dominated environment in research labs affects women’s everyday lives. Eberlin describes having to battle stereotypes from male colleagues who assume she is not as academically equipped as they are. These perceptions are only made worse when she has to visit the lactation room every two hours. “In the chemistry department—a workplace that is almost entirely male—trying to pump milk is so awkward,” she says. “It can be challenging; in the end, you have to show what you can do through your work.” ????The recipients of the L’Oreal award believe that the only way to tackle these problems is to bring more women into the field. Eberlin plans to use part of her funding to hire female research assistants. O’Connell is inviting high school students from the Science Club for Girls organization to help with research projects. ????Both Eberlin and O’Connell have faith that the tides can turn quickly if more female scientists demonstrate to young women that they can have a family while also pursuing cutting edge research. Eberlin says that the women who have been successful, despite the odds, have a responsibility to make the path easier for others. “I used to go into meetings where I was the only female chemist and feel intimidated,” she says. “But it dawned on me that I was there representing other women; I need to do my best to create opportunities for them.” |