????11.“我從不讀書?!?/strong> ????《富翁的習慣》(Rich Habits)作者湯姆?科利發現,富人中讀書(和聽有聲讀物)的比例要比窮人高得多:“63%的富人家庭每個月都讓孩子閱讀兩本及以上非小說圖書,而窮人家庭的比例只有3%?!贝送?,“63%的富人會在上下班途中聽有聲圖書,而窮人的比例只有5%。”閱讀非小說(以及小說)書籍有助于減輕壓力、提高創造力和增強記憶力。 ????12.“我水平不夠?!?/strong> ????成功的一個必備要素是對自我價值的高度肯定。做自己是在事業和個人生活上取得成功的必要素質。追隨你真正的興趣。如果不需要掙錢,你會去干什么? ????13.(一遍又一遍地說)“沒關系。” ????成功人士知道何時走開,停止從其他人身上找借口。如果存在瓶頸或者被什么事(或什么人)所牽絆,無法準時完成項目,那么就去增強你自己的業務,或者將目標向前推進,然后,趁此機會為自己設定界線,下定決心控制自己的參與程度。 ????14.“競爭對手沒有的我們也不需要?!?/strong> ????復制競爭對手是多數公司走上不歸路的一大原因。而真正的創新恰恰相反:找出競爭者所沒有的,然后填補行業的空缺。 ????15.“傻瓜才需要休假?!?/strong> ????真正的成功應當是全面的,你會和朋友及家人共度假期和周末,工作日也會抽出幾小時來休息放松。雖然每個人的工作量有時候會不同,但是度假可以讓你更好地迎接工作。 ????有時候,想達到目標,最好和最簡單的方法就是以他人為榜樣。 ????現在回想一下,在平時談話和思考中,你犯過以上哪些錯誤?(財富中文網) ????譯者: 南風 ????審校:Patti |
11. “I never read books.” ????Tom Corley of Rich Habits found that rich people read (and listen to) books at a much higher rate than poor people: “63 percent of wealthy parents make their children read two or more non-fiction books a month vs. 3 percent of poor.” Also, “63 percent of wealthy listen to audio books during commute to work vs. 5 percent of poor people.” Reading non-fiction (as well as fiction) can help reduce stress, enhance creativity and boost your memory. ????12. “I’m not good enough.” ????Part of being successful is having a high sense of self-worth. Being yourself is one trait that promises success in business and your personal life. Follow your true interests. What you would do in your life if you didn’t need money? ????13. “It’s OK.” (over and over) ????Successful people know when to walk away and stop taking excuses from others. If there is a bottleneck and something (or someone) is preventing you from completing a project on time, build up your business, or move you forward in your goals, then it’s time to set boundaries and decide to limit your involvement. ????14. “If our competitors don’t have it, then we don’t need it.” ????Copying competitors is one of the many possible deaths for most companies. True innovation comes from the flip side: figuring out what competitors aren’t doing and fill that niche to answer a need in the industry. ????15. “Time off is for suckers.” ????True success should be seen as a well-rounded approach, one with vacations, weekends with friends and family and hours of downtime on the weekdays. While workload varies for everyone at times, taking vacation can make you better at your job. ????Sometimes to get to where you want to be, the best and easiest thing to do is to simply follow the examples that others set for you. ????What phrases are you going to eliminate from your day-to-day conversations and thinking? |