????6.“太晚了。” ????同樣,如果有潛在的客戶邀請你晚上9點一起吃飯,能去就盡量去?;蛟S第二天你會感覺很累,但是通過一次晚餐或餐后交談建立的人際關系,可能會對你的職業發展或未來的項目產生決定性的影響。 ????7.“我們不能一起共事真是太遺憾了?!?/strong> ????遇到真正與自己志趣相投的人的情況很少見,但如果你真的遇到這樣的人,希望與其一起共事,那么就盡可能去實現。碰到談得來的人的機會并不是那么多,因此成功人士懂得,無論是做案例分析還是開展新的業務,與自己興趣秉性都合得來的人共事才是真正的成功之道。 ????8.“有時間我們聚聚。” ????很多時候,這句話都是客套話,之后就沒了下文。但是成功人士知道,如果他們真的想和某人聚聚,就一定會找時間做到。因為多數成功人士都會努力在他們的圈子里經營真誠的人際關系,而不是背后藏著一套。經營關系網意味著要為他人著想,同時把彼此之間的關系放在第一位。 ????9.“對不起,我太忙了?!?/strong> ????如果機會來臨,成功人士會竭盡全力抓住機會。當然,這可能意味著有時需要工作更長時間,但如果你想要有所收獲,就必須有所付出。老子曾經說過:“時間是創造出來的?!疀]有時間做’就等于是‘不想做’。” ????10.“這都是我一個人的主意?!?/strong> ????正如在第4條所提到的,在為一個成功的項目論功行賞時,多數成功人士都會不吝于贊美他人。沒有什么主意是真正屬于某一個人的,它往往來自于與團隊的合作互動中積累的經驗。贊賞和鼓勵他人是打造成功企業和文化的關鍵部分。 |
?6. “That’s too late.” ????Along the same lines, if you’re asked to a 9 p.m. dinner by a potential business partner, and you can make it, definitely go. You may be tired the next day, but the connections you will make during a small dinner or after-hours meeting can make all the difference when it comes to your career or next project. ????7. “It’s too bad we couldn’t work together.” ????Truly hitting it off with someone can be a rare occurrence, but if you truly connect with someone and want to work with them, find a way to make it work. Finding people that you really enjoy communicating with don’t come along too often, so whether it’s a case study or a new business, successful people know that working with those who truly align with your personality and interests are the path to true success. ????8. “Let’s catch up sometime.” ????Many times, this phrase is said as filler, without any true follow up. Successful people know that if they really want to catch up with someone, they follow up to make it happen. This also builds on the idea that the most successful people have worked hard to build genuine connections and relationships within their network, without any hidden agenda. Nurturing your network means being thoughtful of others, while keeping your relationships with them on top of your mind. ????9. “I’m sorry, I’m too busy.” ????If an opportunity comes their way, successful people do what it takes to make it happen. Sure, this might mean longer hours occasionally, but if you want something to work, that is what it takes. After all, according to Lao-Tzu: “Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’” ????10. “That was all my idea.” ????Again, as mentioned in number four, the most successful people spread the wealth when it comes to doling out praise from a successful project. No idea is truly one’s own — it’s a sum of their experiences from interacting and building off of collaborative ideas with a team. Doling out praise and encouragement is a crucial part of building a successful company and culture. |