????SAS:為所有員工提供“工作-生活”平衡中心 |
????SAS: “Work-life” center for all employees |

????這家商業分析軟件與服務公司位于北卡羅來納州卡里市,該公司在內部設立了“工作-生活”平衡中心,為員工提供從育嬰到壓力管理等各方面的課程。公司還為13,679名員工提供內部醫療中心。 ????谷歌(Google):為新爸爸和新媽媽提供價值500美元的外賣、影碟租賃和紙尿褲補貼 |
????The business analytics software and services company headquartered in Carey, NC, boosts an on-site “work-life” center featuring programs on everything from parenting to stress management. The employer also has an on-site healthcare center for its 13,679 employees. ????Google: $500 for takeout meals, movie rental and diapers for new parents |

????這家科技巨頭很清楚,對于許多員工而言,工作時間要求有些苛刻,所以公司為在兒童護理方面需要幫助的父母提供了許多福利。其中包括:員工在家照料新生嬰兒前三個月的外賣食物津貼;一對一咨詢,幫助員工尋找托兒所;保姆中介服務的折扣價和全美各地Bright Horizons兒童保育中心的優先入學權。 ????NetApp:提供2萬美元經濟補助,幫助員工收養孩子 |
????The tech giant knows that works hours can be demanding for many employees, so it offers several benefits to parents who may need help with child care. Among them: a stipend for takeout meals during the first three months parents are home with a new baby, one-on-one consultations to help parents in their child care search, discounts for nanny placement services and priority access at Bright Horizons child care centers across the country. ????NetApp: $20,000 in financial aid to help employees adopt a child |

????這家數據存儲與管理公司為收養孩子的員工提供的經濟補助金額在100家“最適宜工作的公司”中名列榜首。此外,NetApp還提供上榜公司中最長的產假。 |
????The data storage and management company offers the most financial assistance to adoptive parents out of Great Places To Work’s 100 best companies list. The company also offers the highest number of days off for maternity leave of any firm on Great Places To Work’s list. |