????記住,沒有哪家公司能無限期地發展下去。對于大多數行業來說,不同的規模會帶來更高的效率——比如,成立一家兩個人的管道公司很容易,但要成立一家1,000人的管道公司幾乎不可能實現。提前充分了解公司的發展極限。軟件是一個很容易擴大規模的行業,所以,這里才會誕生如此多年輕的億萬富翁。 ????最后,創業從來沒有如此容易。你可以在學生宿舍開發出一款暢銷產品,甚至無需填寫任何注冊文件——而對Facebook來說,這已經足夠了。 ????我認為,創業就是一種文明的賭博。能力和不屈不撓的精神是重要因素,但運氣也很重要。然而,只要你能在遭受打擊過后重新站起來,進行不同的嘗試,堅持學習,幸運女神終將眷顧你。你只需要有敢于冒險的勇氣。 ????布里奇特?布拉德福德的回答,市場營銷人員 ????成為一名創業者,更多的是一種心理狀態,而不是具體的商業創意。我同意里德?霍夫曼和本?卡斯諾查的觀點——創業者是把自己看作一家初創公司的人。你就是一家公司。 ????創業精神不僅指創立一家公司,也是指以不同的方式發展自己的職業。接受對創業精神的這種理解,也會幫助你挖掘自己的潛力,讓你對自己的職業生涯產生最大的影響。 ????需要牢記的幾點: ????? 進行自我投資——你可能想學習編程,但如果你的心在別處,那就不要學習編程。 ????? 挖掘自己與其他人的差異和長處。 ????? 適應市場的變化。制定計劃,但要不斷修改。 ????? 考慮周到,但不害怕風險和失敗。 ????? 閱讀《人生如創業》(The Startup of You)。 ????? 以創業的態度生活會助你找到最有效的方式,將自己的能力和志向應用到市場當中。 ????阿林?莫契斯,移動應用開發公司Mobiversal.com聯合創始人 ????這是一個很好的問題,尤其是最后一句話。 ????你在問題最后提到的事實,已經讓你找到了一半答案。 ????當其他人看到問題的時候,創業者會看到機遇,所以首先你要從發現機遇開始。一旦你發現了機遇,一定要抓住它,并開發出一套能夠從中獲利的系統。但在此之前,你需要有正確的態度,以下是我的一些建議: ????如果執行失敗,再絕妙的創意也毫無價值。因此,創意本身的價值要遠遠低于執行。 ????將最糟糕的情景作為A計劃,而不是B計劃。至少如果出現不好的情況,你不會感到沮喪和氣餒,你將來或許會有繼續挖掘另一個創意的力量。 |
????Remember no business can grow indefinitely. Most industries are more efficient at different sizes – it’s easy to be a two-man plumbing company, but near impossible to build a 1,000-man plumbing corporation. Know the limits of your company well in advance. Software is an example of an industry that scales exceedingly well, which is why it creates so many young billionaires. ????Finally, it has never been easier to start a company. You can create a killer product in your student dorm without even registering any paperwork – that was enough for Facebook. ????I think entrepreneurship is a form of enlightened gambling. Skill and tenacity are big factors, but luck plays a big part. However, as long as you can keep picking yourself up when you get knocked down, try different things and keep learning, the odds are in your favor. You just have to dare to chance them. ????Answer by Bridgette Bradford, marketer ????Being an entrepreneur is more about a state of mind than having a specific business idea. I subscribe to the Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha philosophy that an entrepreneur is someone who thinks of themselves as a startup. You are the business. ????Entrepreneurship is not exclusively about starting a company. It is about approaching your career in a different way. Embracing this philosophy of entrepreneurship will help unlock your potential and allow you to make the greatest impact in your professional life. ????Things to keep in mind: ????? Invest in yourself- you may want to learn to code, but don’t learn to code if your heart is somewhere else. ????? Discover how you are different and better than other people. ????? Adapt to changes in the marketplace. Have a plan, but always be revising it. ????? Be thoughtful, but unafraid of risk and failure. ????? Read The Startup of You. ????? Approaching life this way will enable you to discover the best way to apply your skills and aspirations to the marketplace. ????Answer by Alin Merches, co-founder of Mobiversal.com ????What a great question, and even greater the last sentence in your question. ????The very fact that you mentioned this in the end at least gives you half the answer. ????Entrepreneurs see opportunities where others see problems, so you have to start by seeing an opportunity. When you see it, just grab it and invent a system that makes money out of that opportunity. But before you do that, you need to have the right attitude and here’s some advice: ????Even a brilliant idea is worth almost zero if the execution fails. So the idea itself has much less value than the execution itself. ????Expect the worst-case scenario as plan A, not plan B. At least if something bad happens you won’t be depressed or discouraged and possibly you will have the power to move on with another idea in the future. |