????史威提補充道:“大多數消費品公司的經理都不會每天親自品嘗自己的產品,或者親自去看產品是怎么做出來的。但我們不是這樣。”另外他還親自和供應商討價還價,親自掄起錘子修理故障機器,甚至親自開著貨車去送貨。 ????第三,思維要快。史威提表示,在短短六個月的時間里把莫斯蘭汀的一座廢倉庫改造成一家工廠并且開始投產,“這在大公司絕對不可能。但在創業公司里,你可以很快采取行動,并且隨時做出修正。事實上你必須這樣做。” ????比如公司的得意之作“仁慈的熏肉”只花了幾個月的時間就開發了出來,并且擺上了貨架。現在它在300家門店都有售,史威提說,到今年年末,銷售這款食品的門店將增加到1500家左右。 ????史威提指出:“在大公司里,一款新產品光是要進入試銷階段,就至少需要相當于我們兩倍的時間,況且他們還有大量員工和很多支持。在我們這兒,經常就是凱利和我,在我家的廚房里制作一個新產品的不同版本,有時可能再加上第三個人,我們時常工作到半夜三點鐘。” ????史威提毫不后悔為了做煎餅而放棄大公司董事長的職位,但他偶爾也會懷念當“大領導”時享受的一些特權。“大公司的私人飛機太貴了,但是坐普通航班的經濟艙也的確挺累的。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????“Most consumer goods managers don’t taste their products or see them made every day,” he adds. “We do.” He’s also haggled with suppliers, picked up a hammer to fix a recalcitrant machine on the factory floor, and driven a delivery truck. ????Think fast. Turning that abandoned warehouse in Moss Landing into a running factory in just six months “could never have happened in a large company,” says Swette. “But in a startup, you can move quickly and make adjustments on the fly. In fact, you have to.” ????Benevolent Bacon, for example, took just a few months to develop from prototype to store shelves. It’s in 300 stores now, Swette says, and will be in about 1,500 by the end of 2014. ????“In a big company, a new product would take twice that long just to get to test markets, and that’s with a huge staff and lots of support,” he says. “Here, it’s usually Kelly and I and maybe one other person cooking up different versions of a new product in our kitchen at home until three in the morning.” ????Swette has no regrets about exchanging the boardroom for the burrito business, but he does sometimes miss the executive perks he once took for granted. “[Big companies’] private jets are overrated,” he says. “But the middle seat in coach on a no-frills airline is really a drag.” |