????費迪爾?洛佩茲 ????? 所屬公司:諾德斯特姆 ????? 最佳雇主公司排名:第89位 ????? 職位:加拿大人力資源開發總監 ????? 年齡:47歲 ????1985年,在美國東海岸一所大學就讀一年后,費迪爾?洛佩茲就想回老家圣地亞哥了。他說:“我想邊上學邊打工。” ????對他來說,向諾德斯特姆公司(Nordstrom)求職是理所當然的事。他很小就對時尚著迷,現在還會充滿愉悅地回想自己當年和父母一起去逛西雅圖那些零售商店的情景:那些友好的售貨員,舒服的咖啡吧,甚至沿途擺放的東西也都是用禮品紙包好的。他說:“那時候我就一直對這些東西很著迷。” ????洛佩茲一開始在諾德斯特姆公司的青年男性部門當銷售。他很快就意識到,這份用來貼補學費的工作也是一條值得終身追求的職業道路。在新員工培訓課上他了解了諾德斯特姆公司的內部擢升文化。他說:“你能充分感受到同事對自己的支持。”結果他很快就離開學校進入諾德斯特姆公司開始全職工作。在這家公司效力的30年彈指一揮間,他在晉升階梯上不斷攀爬,一直升到現在的位置。他從一名銷售做起,一路上擔任過部門經理、買手、加州五個地方的店鋪經理。然后他在杰弗里(Jeffrey)曼哈頓分店當了一段時間總經理,這是一家諾德斯特姆2005年就入股的精品店。 ????洛佩茲在諾德斯特姆積累的三十年經驗為他勝任現在的工作奠定了堅實基礎:為諾德斯特姆在加拿大五個新店的經理開發并實施深入培訓項目。這些店計劃2016年秋季正式開業。洛佩茲說:“我確實很喜歡培養一個團隊,看著他們取得成功。正是在杰弗里那個分店我懂得了如何做好銷售并創造客戶體驗。”當加拿大這個機會到來時,他就覺得大顯身手的時候到了。 |
????FerdieLopez ????? Company: Nordstrom ????? Best Companies rank: 89 ????? Role: Director of Talent Development, Canada ????? Age: 47 ????In 1985, after a year of college on the East Coast, Ferdie Lopez wanted to move back home to San Diego. "I wanted to go to school part-time and work part-time," he says. ????Applying to Nordstrom was a no-brainer. A fashion fanatic from an early age, Lopez recalled with fondness the shopping trips he made to the Seattle-based retailer with his parents: the friendly sales people, the cozy café, even the way items were gift-wrapped. "It always stuck with me," he says. ????Nordstrom hired Lopez as a sales person in the young men's department. It quickly became apparent that the job Lopez had taken to supplement school was a career path unto itself. In the new-hire orientation, he learned about Nordstrom's culture of promoting from within. "You feel completely supported by the people you work with," he says. He soon left school to work at Nordstrom full time. Fast-forward 30 years, and Lopez has climbed up a good swath of the company's ladder. He moved from sales to department manager to buyer to the store manager of five locations in California. He then worked a stint as general manager of the Manhattan outpost of Jeffrey, the luxury boutique Nordstrom has had a stake in since 2005. ????The experiences Lopez has gained in his three decades at Nordstrom prepared him from his current job: creating and implementing an immersion program for the managers of Nordstrom's five new stores in Canada, which are set to open by fall 2016. "I really love developing a team and seeing them succeed. And at Jeffrey, I gained an understanding of how to sell and create a customer experience," Lopez says. When the Canada opportunity arose, he says, it was the perfect match. |