


Christopher Tkaczyk 2014年06月23日
World Wide Technology

????? 收入:50億美元

????? 總部所在地:圣路易斯

????? 員工人數:2,060人

????? 千禧一代比例:35%

????? 最佳公司排名:34

????科技公司World Wide Technology的聯合創始人吉姆?卡萬諾曾是一名專業足球運動員,他的體育背景幫助他在整個公司樹立了一種團隊心態。



????World Wide Technology

????? Revenue: $5 billion

????? Headquarters: St. Louis

????? Number of employees: 2,060

????? Millennial headcount: 35%

????? Best Companies rank: 34

????World Wide Technology co-founder Jim Kavanaugh is a former pro soccer player, and his background in sports has helped set a team mentality that permeates the business.

????According to an employee, "I genuinely feel that many of the people care about me and what is going on in my life. They have also allowed me to progress rapidly and at such a young age, not questioning if I can handle it because I'm young. I came in as an intern and they allowed me to hire on full time and become a supervisor. Very few organizations would allow such a young person to progress so quickly through the ranks, recognizing that merit can be proven at any age."

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