????美國應屆畢業生最佳生活和就業城市 ????讓2014年的畢業生感到欣慰是,就業市場整體呈現出自經濟蕭條以來最為光明的前景。不過,對于居住地的選擇依然至關重要。為了考察應屆畢業生偏愛選擇哪些地方作為職業生涯的起點,財經網站WalletHub的研究人員以18個方面作為參考標準,對150個大都市的當地經濟進行了分析。這18個方面的標準中有些涉及職業,譬如每100,000個居民的初級職位數量、平均起薪中值和年度就業增長率。但研究也兼顧了二十多歲年輕人關心的其他因素,例如租房、藝術和娛樂方面的成本(包括夜生活),以及已經有多少千禧一代選擇生活于此。下面是WalletHub網站所列出的應屆畢業生最佳生活和就業地的前五名。 |
????The best launch pads for new grads ????Happily for the class of 2014, the job market overall is looking brighter than it has since before the recession. But where you live matters. To see where new grads might want to put down stakes, researchers at financial site WalletHub analyzed the local economy in 150 metropolitan areas, using 18 criteria. Some were work-related, including the number of entry-level jobs per 100,000 residents, median average starting salaries, and the rate of annual job growth. But the study looked at other factors twenty-somethings care about, too, like the cost of an apartment, arts and entertainment (including nightlife), and how many other Millennials already live there. Here are the top five from WalletHub's list of the best places for new grads. |
????雖然聯邦政府是華盛頓特區最大的雇主,但為這座城市提供大把就業機會的遠不止這一家:部分原因是因為,國防工業已經讓附近的北弗吉尼亞變成了一個快速發展的科技中心,這個地區目前的就業率一直排在前列。對于一個擁有如此規模的城市而言,華盛頓的生活成本相當合理,而且在這里還能享受到很多藝術和娛樂活動。此外,首都城市在WalletHub網站所列出的“配偶機遇”指標上的得分也是最高的。超過五分之一的華盛頓居民的年齡在25歲至34歲之間,而且這些人群中有58%的人還處于單身狀態。 |
????Uncle Sam is the biggest employer in town, but far from the only one: Partly because the defense industry has turned nearby northern Virginia into a fast-growing tech hub, the area ranks high in job opportunities. Washington has a reasonable cost of living for a city of its size, and lots of arts and entertainment. The capital also scores highest in the U.S. on what WalletHub calls "mating opportunities." More than 1 in 5 D.C. residents are 25 to 34 years old, and 58% of the population is single. |