????如果你高中時成績不好,別擔心,你依然有機會過上體面的生活。但前提是,如果你是個男生。 ????過去幾個月中,薪酬平等的話題被炒得沸沸揚揚。而現在,邁阿密大學(the University of Miami)的一項新的研究表明,即便女性有著更加優異的學業成績,她們的薪酬也遠低于男性。 ????這項研究試圖找出高中平均績點對未來收入的影響。由于男女之間存在差異,因此,研究者們按照性別統計數據,結果發現,高中平均績點達到4.0的女性收入甚至還比不上平均績點為2.5的男性。 ????薪酬平等問題在4月8日“同酬日”期間獲得了極大的關注。上周,媒體也在大量報道《紐約時報》(the New York Times)前執行主編吉爾?艾布拉姆森被解職一事。有報道暗示,因為自己的薪酬比男性前任低,艾布拉姆森就此提出質詢,結果遭到開除。(財富中文網) ????譯者:唐昕昕 |
????If you didn't do so great in high school, rest easy! You can still make a decent living for yourself — assuming, that is, that you're a man. ????Equal pay has been a hotly debated topic for the past few months, and new research from the University of Miami suggests women are paid significantly less than men even if they were much better students. ????The study sought to determine what affect a person's high school grade point average has on their future earnings. Because of the disparity between men and women, it chose to break the data up by gender, and found that women with a 4.0 GPA in high school make less on average than a man with a 2.5 GPA. ????The issue of pay equity got a big publicity push on April 8 around "Equal Pay Day." It was also heavily in the news last week when Jill Abramson, former executive editor of the New York Times, was fired as reports suggested that her dismissal was due to her inquiries about being paid less than the man who formerly had her job. |