????普華永道 ????? 2014年最佳雇主排名:第65位 ????? 目前空缺職位:4,449個 ????? 招聘網站:pwc.com/careers ????招聘方向:所有崗位。 ????空缺數量最多的職位:這家公司打算招197個擔保助理。 ????求職秘訣:美國校園招聘主管阿歷克斯?T.梅斯策說:“打動招聘人員最好的辦法就是了解自己的長處,簡潔清晰地說出來。準備好一次電梯游說,這能充分體現你與眾不同的特點。說出你自己的特別之處,以及你的經歷怎樣能夠讓你脫穎而出。做好準備,同時把感興趣的公司研究透。最重要的是,做好自己,保持真誠。” ???? |
????PricewaterhouseCoopers ????? 2014 Best Companies rank: 65 ????? Current openings: 4,449 ????? Jobs site: pwc.com/careers ????What they're looking for: candidates for all areas ????Job title with the largest number of openings: The company is looking to hire 197 assurance associates. ????Secrets to impressing their recruiters: "The best way to impress a recruiter is to understand your strengths and be able to articulate them in a clear, concise manner. Have a good elevator pitch prepared that highlights the attributes that differentiates you from other applicants. Express what makes you unique and how your experiences set you apart. Be prepared and do research on the company of interest. Most importantly, be yourself and be genuine," says U.S. campus recruiting leader Alexa T. Mersche. |