????萬豪國際 ????? 2014年最佳雇主排名:第57位 ????? 目前空缺職位:美國地區4,706個 ????? 招聘網站:marriott.com/careers和facebook.com/marriottjobsandcareers ????招聘方向:酒店運營領域、如食品和飲料、活動管理、客房運營和工程、以及財務、信息科技、品牌管理、銷售、營銷、電子商務和人力資源。 ????空缺數量最多的職位:目前客房部經理一職有344個空缺 ????求職秘訣:波特蘭市中心濱水萬豪酒店的人力資源總監雷娜?維瑟拉德說:“認真選擇自己要應聘的崗位。在同一家酒店里申請太多崗位會把招聘人員弄糊涂,搞不清你真正的興趣所在。一旦有招聘人員聯系你,你可以告訴他們,你也樂于嘗試其他崗位。” ???? |
????Marriott International ????? 2014 Best Companies rank: 57 ????? Current openings: 4,706 in the U.S. ????? Jobs site: marriott.com/careers and facebook.com/marriottjobsandcareers ????What they're looking for: areas of hotel operations such as food and beverage, event management, room operations and engineering, as well as in finance, informational technology, brand management, sales, marketing, e-commerce, and human resources. ????Job title with the largest number of openings: Housekeeper with 344 currently open positions. ????Secrets to impressing their recruiters: "Be selective with the positions you apply for. Applying for too many positions at the same hotel can confuse a recruiter as to where your interest really lies. Once you have been contacted by a recruiter, you can always share with them that you are open to other opportunities," says Rayna Weatherald, director of human resources at Portland's Marriott Downtown Waterfront. |