????愛德華?瓊斯公司 ????? 2014年最佳雇主排名:第4位 ????? 目前空缺職位: 3,624個 ????? 招聘網站:www.careers.edwardjones.com ????招聘方向:理財顧問,各地分支機構辦公室主任。而在位于圣路易斯的總部和坦佩市的地區性大學,這家公司要招聘培訓、人才培養和招募、運營、信息系統、理財、客戶服務和產品專員等人才。 ????空缺數量最多的職位:這家公司2014年將招聘3,100名理財顧問。 ????求職秘訣:理財顧問招聘主管約翰?拉哈勒說:“我們想招的人要擁有成功職業經歷,同時還擁有與客戶建立長期合作關系的創業動力。在愛德華?瓊斯公司所提供的機遇中,個人能在幫助其他人實現個人和理財目標的同時獲得成就感、自主權以及工作和生活的平衡。” ???? |
????Edward Jones ????? 2014 Best Companies rank: 4 ????? Current openings: 3,624 ????? Jobs site: www.careers.edwardjones.com ????What they're looking for: Financial advisors, branch office administrators in the branch offices throughout the country. At its St. Louis headquarters and Tempe regional campus, the company is looking to fill positions in training, development and talent acquisition, operations, information systems, finance, client service, and product specialists. ????Job title with the largest number of openings: The company is looking to hire 3,100 financial advisors in 2014. ????Secrets to impressing their recruiters: "We're looking for people with track records of professional success and an entrepreneurial drive to build long-term relationships with clients," says John Rahal, principal of financial advisor talent acquisition. "Within the Edward Jones opportunity, an individual can find success, autonomy and work-life balance while helping people reach their personal and financial goals." ???? |