????4. 你獲得過的最好建議是什么? ????這條建議來自我的父親。他對我說:“彼得,你應該像大象推倒大樹一樣去解決問題。”大象非常強壯。在印度和東南亞,人們用大象來推倒大樹。大象會緩慢走到大樹前面,用頭去頂樹干,直到樹干斷裂倒下。大象不會猛地撞向大樹,因為這樣它們自己會受到嚴重傷害。所以,它們會慢慢走到樹前,努力地推,直到大樹倒下。這才應該是你應對問題的方式。如果你直直地撞上去,只會讓自己受傷,而且不見得能夠解決問題。解決問題的成功方式,應該是慢慢接近它,仔細的分析,然后不斷努力。這種比喻有些奇怪,但卻非常有用。 ????5. 你最大的成就是什么? ????我的回答可能會顯得自大,但我確實為Shapeways公司的成就感到驕傲。我們為這么多顧客提供了滿意的服務,而且,眼前還有這么多機會,我們將繼續為很多新顧客提供滿意的服務——我覺得這是我做過的最了不起的事情。 ????6.你在學校學到的最重要的東西是什么? ????我學的是應用物理,這個專業有很多具體知識,但這些都不是我學到的最重要的東西。我所學到的最重要的東西是模型制作。它是一種科學的解決問題的方法,只要你有相關數據,就可以制作模型。模型可以算是描述問題的一種假設。做好模型之后,觀察它與現有數據是否匹配。如果匹配,就完成了模型驗證的第一步。第二步則是驗證模型是否具有預測性。可以設計一些前所未有的實驗,觀察實驗結果是否仍然與模型匹配。如果這兩項都匹配,模型就是有效的。這種方法不僅適用于物理,也適用于一般科學和其它事項。它在解決問題方面是一個強大的方法。發現問題、提出假設——描述問題的模型,然后對比模型與數據是否匹配。如果模型有效,問題就得以解決。這樣一來,你不僅有了消除“癥狀”的“解藥”,還對問題及解決問題的方法有了深刻的了解。模型制作是我在大學學到的一項無價的技能。 ????7. 你終生追求的目標是什么? ????我喜歡賽車。過去在歐洲,我經常參加業余水平的比賽。如果有機會參加勒芒24小時耐力賽,我肯定會毫不猶豫地參加。 ????8. 你的第一份工作是什么? ????我一直在尋找機會,通過開小公司賺錢。其中最有趣的一次經歷是草坪養護。我從一個朋友的爸爸那里學會了這項技能。當時我看他家的草坪非常漂亮,就問他是怎么養護的。他告訴我主要靠施肥和除草。我性格的一部分就是喜歡學習新知識、應用新知識。學會養護草坪之后,我跟爸爸說:“我能讓我家草坪變得和高爾夫球場一樣漂亮。”爸爸說:“行,那你就去做吧。”借助一些肥料和園藝器具,我充滿激情地干了起來。很快,我家草坪就成了整條街上最漂亮的。鄰居們認識我爸,就問他怎么養護。我爸爸說:“其實這都是我兒子的功勞。”于是鄰居們問我:“你能幫我家草坪也養護一下嗎?”我跟爸爸借了園藝器具,跟鄰居們談好價格,就開工了。很快,我就接到了很多活,最后甚至都忙不過來了。 ????9. 你平時都有哪些消遣? ????我會自己釀啤酒,這事非常有意思。我會釀各種各樣的啤酒,我喜歡的種類有印度麥啤、淡味啤酒和比利時修道院啤酒。釀酒的樂趣在于,如果釀得好,能喝到非常美味的高質量啤酒。我之所以釀酒,是因為搬到美國后,我很難買到比利時修道院啤酒,即使找到有賣的,價格也很貴。我就想:“干嘛不自己釀呢,能有多難?” ????我享受過程,所以我也喜歡烹飪。釀酒比烹飪要復雜一點,也更有意思。上面提到我喜歡賽車,我還喜歡看電影,喜歡帆船運動和潛水。所以娛樂活動還是挺多的。 ????10. 如果可以擁有一項超能力,你會想要哪一種? ????我想要超人的飛行能力和快速在兩個地點間轉換的能力。身為企業家,我得去很多地方辦事,但總是從這到那的很費時間。如果可以飛或者瞬間移動的話,那就太方便了。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/朱毓芬/汪皓 |
????4. What is the best advice you ever received? ????It's actually from my father. He said to me, "Pete, you should approach problems the way elephants can push over trees." Elephants are amazingly strong creatures. In India and Southeast Asia, they use elephants to push over trees. The elephant slowly walks toward the tree, and pushes his head against the tree until the tree cracks and it falls over. The elephant doesn't run into the tree, or they would have severe trauma problems. And so he walks and pushes and pushes and pushes until the tree cracks. That's the way you should approach problems. If you run into them, you will hurt yourself and it won't be solved. But if you slowly approach and then you analyze and push and push and push until the problem is solved, that's the successful way of doing it. It's a weird metaphor, but it actually works. ????5. What is your greatest achievement? ????It's a bit of a presumptuous question, but I'm proud of what we have achieved at Shapeways. We are already making so many of our customers happy, and we still have so much opportunity that we can go for, and so many new customers that we can make happy. I think it's the greatest thing that I've ever been a part of. ????6. What was the most important thing you learned in school? ????I studied applied physics, and there's a lot of concrete things that you learn, but that's not the most important thing that I learned. The most important thing that I learned in my university years is model making. That means in a scientific approach to problems, if you hopefully have data, you make a model. The model is basically your hypothesis that describes your problem. And then you see whether your model fits the data you have, and if that's true, that's the first step of validating your model. The second step is whether the model can predict the future. You can come up with some experiments that nobody has ever done, you can do them, and they still fit the model. If you have those two proof points, then you know that the model is valid. That not only works for physics, but it works for science in general and beyond that. It's a really strong way to solve problems. You see a problem, you come up with a hypothesis, a model that describes how the problem is solved, and you look at the data to see whether it fits. And if it works, then you've solved it. Because now, you not only have an antidote or something that gets rid of the symptoms, but you deeply understand what it was, and how to get around it. Model building is something I learned from university that has been priceless. ????7. What is one goal that you would like to accomplish during your lifetime? ????I love fast cars. In Europe I used to race cars on an amateur level. If I ever had the opportunity to compete in the 24 Hours of Le Mans, I would jump at it. ????8. What was your first job? ????I've always looked for opportunities to make money by starting small businesses. The most fun one was gardening. I learned it from a father of a friend of mine. I noticed that he had a beautiful lawn, and I asked him what he did. He said it's all about fertilizer and taking care of the weeds. That's something that is a part of me; I like to learn and apply. I said to my dad, "I can make your lawn look like a golf course." He said, "Okay, do it." So I used fertilizer and all the gardening stuff and worked on it with a passion. Pretty soon his lawn was the best on the street. My neighbors knew my dad, and they asked him what he did to make it look like that. He said, "Well, that's actually my son." So they said to me, "Can you do that for me too?" So I borrowed my dad's equipment, and I haggled with my neighbors. Pretty soon I was doing more gardening than I really cared for. ????9. What do you do for fun? ????I brew my own beer, which I think is a lot of fun to do. I brew all kinds. I like IPAs, lagers, and Belgian Trappist beers. It's about doing it well and having a nice, tasty, quality beer. I got into brewing beer because I found after I moved to the U.S., it was hard to find Belgian Trappists, and they were expensive if you did find them. So I wondered, "How hard could it be to brew my own?" ????Because of the process, I love cooking too. Beer is a little more complicated than cooking, so that's fun. I race cars, like I mentioned. I love to watch movies. I love to sail, I love to dive. So, quite a few things. ????10. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? ????I would fly, like Superman. The ability to quickly go from one place on this planet to another. As an entrepreneur, you have to be in so many different places at the same time, and going from A to B takes way too long. If you could fly quickly or teleport, of course that would be immensely handy. |