Christopher Tkaczyk
????Burns & McDonnell公司 ????? 2013年最佳雇主排名:14 ????? 目前職位空缺:600 ????? 公司網站招聘頁面:burnsmcd.com/careers ????“別害怕對方問‘你有什么缺點’。我們真正希望的是求職者能著重說明自己獲得的教訓。我們認識到,在進行復雜決策的時候,以往的經驗非常寶貴。要能說出自己從以往的經歷中學到了哪些東西,以及你怎樣通過這些教訓來更好地開展現在的工作。”--史黛西?維納托,招聘人員 |
????Burns & McDonnell ????? 2014 Best Companies rank:14 ????? Current openings:600 ????? Jobs page:burnsmcd.com/careers ????"Don't dread the 'what is your weakness' question. What we are really asking our candidates is to highlight lessons learned. We recognize that past experience is invaluable for complex decision-making. Be able to describe what you've learned from past experiences and how you use those lessons to be better at your job today. --Stacy Venator, recruiter |