


John A. Byrne 2013年11月13日

????丈夫升職調任馬德里從事新的工作以前,阿根廷本地人瑪麗安娜?薩內蒂一直在布宜諾斯艾利斯擔任殼牌公司(Shell)的產品經理。一位從哈佛商學院畢業(Harvard Business School)的同事這時建議她,到了西班牙之后應該去商學院求學,攻讀MBA學位。

????薩內蒂采納了那位男同事的建議,在馬德里一家名為企業學院(Instituto de Empresa)的商學院報名學習為期一年的MBA課程。她向家人借錢付了這個學位要負擔的學費。2003年,薩內蒂從商學院畢業,然后花了整整一年時間才找到一份和自己三年前沒有MBA學位時收入完全相同的工作,在一家類似美國建材家居零售商家得寶(Home Depot)的西班牙公司任產品經理。


????薩內蒂給這部自行出版的個人作品命名為《MBA泡沫:并非貨真價實的投資》( The MBA Bubble: It's just not worth the investment)。她解釋說:“它是與這類學位有關的一種教育界泡沫。我認為這些學位對大家的職業道路沒有多少影響。當然也有例外,MBA在管理咨詢業和投資銀行界一直是價值不菲的金字招牌。可在其他領域,這個學位只是錦上添花。它對人沒害處。但我為寫這本書采訪的所有市場專家都說,今天需要的是專業的知識與技術,而MBA是培訓通才的。”





????Mariana Zanetti had been working as a product manager for Shell (RDSA) in Buenos Aires when her husband got a promotion to a new job in Madrid. One of her colleagues, a Harvard Business School graduate, suggested that the Argentina native go to business school for her MBA while in Spain.

????She took his advice, enrolling in the one-year MBA program at Instituto de Empresa (IE) Business School In Madrid. Zanetti borrowed money from her family to pay for the degree. And when she graduated in 2003, it took her a full year to land a job as a product manager at a Spanish version of Home Depot, at exactly the same salary she was earning three years earlier, without the MBA.

????For years, Zanetti says, she wanted to write a book on her experience but didn't out of fear that it would hurt her career, which included stints as a product manager for Saint-Gobain and ResMed, a medical supplier. Now that she has left the corporate world, Zanetti says, she can tell the truth about the MBA degree.

????Her take, in a self-published book called The MBA Bubble: It's just not worth the investment. "There is an education bubble around these kind of degrees," she says. "I don't think they have much impact on people's careers. There are exceptions, of course, in management consulting and investment banking, where the MBA is always valued. But for the rest, it's a nice-to-have degree. It's not that it is harmful to you, but every market expert I interviewed for the book says that what is needed today is specialized knowledge and skills, and an MBA is generalist training."

????Zanetti, now 40 and living in France, says it's not like the degree had no value. "I met wonderful people. I met brilliant professors. I learned some interesting business concepts that gave me a global vision about business. It just wasn't worth the cost in time and money. MBAs get high salaries, but the degree has nothing to do with it. I was hired because of my previous work experience at Shell."

????She is even advising people to apply to a top school, get an acceptance, and then decline to go. Put the fact on your resume and Zanetti thinks it will have nearly the same value as going to an MBA program for two years. "It's like being an Academy Award nominee instead of an Academy Award winner," she writes. "But the difference between the two is mortgaging our future and accepting the risk of getting stuck with a monumental student loan." When an employer asks why you didn't go to Kellogg or Yale for your MBA, she advises, just tell them, "I preferred to use that time and money to develop strategic skills to benefit my employers' competitive advantage…."

????Of course, Zanetti's complaint about the MBA is hardly new. It falls neatly into the growing genre of anti-higher education tirades that decry the rising cost of education and the lack of any guarantees. But what makes her MBA bashing somewhat different is that she has a degree from a prominent European business school and has decided to write a 232-page book trying to convince others to pass on the MBA, the most successful degree in the education industry in the last 60 to 70 years.

????She believes that other business graduates would fess up to the same conclusion, if not for the fact that their views would endanger their careers. "There are few people criticizing MBA programs because it makes no sense to say anything bad against their brands," Zanetti says. "I will not make a lot of friends with this book, but I won't make enemies, either."

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