Brandon Southward
聯邦快遞 排名:20 每年,聯邦快遞(FedEx)會向為每一位客戶帶來卓越體驗,實現了公司“紫色承諾”的25名員工,頒發“紫色承諾獎”。最近一年,共有100多名員工獲得了紫色承諾獎提名,以表彰員工發自內心的、出色的客戶服務。最終的獲獎者將在一年一度的頒獎大會上獲得一個獎杯和一枚徽章。 |
FedEx 20 At FedEx, the Purple Promise Award is given annually to 25 employees who exemplify the company's "Purple Promise" to make every customer experience outstanding. In a recent year, over 100 employees were nominated for Purple Promise awards, in acknowledgment of performing acts of spontaneous and extraordinary customer service. Recipients are celebrated at an annual award ceremony and receive a trophy and lapel pin. |