雅高集團 排名:17 雅高集團(Accor)有一支精心組建的“特別行動小組”,由來自公司不同崗位和領域表現突出的員工組成,小組的任務是協助新酒店的成立和運營。管理與人力資源部門會確定員工的培訓技能,并在團隊中為他們安排合適的職位。雅高集團每次成立新酒店時,特別行動小組就會發揮作用。他們將作為內部培訓師對新酒店的員工進行管理,同時協助酒店開始日常運營。如果這項工作使得行動小組成員不得不額外拿出時間完成酒店的建立,公司會給予相應的加班補償。 |
Accor 17 At Accor, a select "Task Force" -- composed of high-performing employees from different roles and areas across the company -- helps new hotels get up and running. Management and Human Resources identify employees with training skills and offer them a role on the team. Whenever Accor opens a new hotel location, the Task Force is sent to this hotel as internal trainers, onboarding the employees and generally helping to start the day-to-day operations. If this work results in Task Force members having to work extra time on setting up the hotel, they are paid overtime accordingly. |