弗吉尼亞大學 9 ?指數:96.7 ?法學院入學考試分數:170 ?錄取率:15.2% ?畢業生就業率:97.3% ?私營公司薪金:16萬美元 ?公共部門年薪:3.6萬美元 弗吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia)法學院擁有堅實的學術聲譽,但說服許多潛在學生就讀的另一個因素是:在校的學生不想離開?!八麄兺ǔ6枷M軌蛴肋h留校,在就讀法學院的學生群體中,這種愿望聞所未聞,”負責招生工作的資深副院長安妮?理查德說。實際上,弗吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia)的校友捐贈比例位居所有法學院之首——由此可以看出,畢業生曾經在這里擁有一段非常美好的記憶。 |
University of Virginia 9 ? Index: 96.7 ? LSAT: 170 ? Acceptance rate: 15.2% ? Employed at graduation: 97.3% ? Private firm salary: $160,000 ? Public interest salary: $36,000 The University of Virginia School of Law has a solid academic reputation, but another factor convinces many prospective students to enroll: current students don't want to leave. "They all typically wish they could be here forever, which is unheard of among people who go to law school," says Anne Richard, senior assistant dean for admissions. In fact, UVA has the highest rate of alumni giving among law schools—a sign of happy graduates, if there ever was one. |