


Anne Vandermey 2013年09月26日


? 目前頭銜:演員,作家,制片人

? 上榜時間(排名):2009年(第19位),2010年(第28位)

今年,麥克法蘭又可以在早已非常豐富的個人履歷上再添一筆:奧斯卡主持人。今年2月份,39歲的麥克法蘭主持了奧斯卡頒獎晚會,他的表現獲得好評(今年的觀眾人數比去年多出約100萬人),但也引發了激烈的討論。一首關于好萊塢裸體鏡頭的直白歌曲《我們見過你的咪咪》(We Saw Your Boobs)遭遇某些觀眾的冷落。不過,有點低級趣味的主持人只是麥克法蘭眾多角色中的一個。2012年,他自導自演了電影《泰迪熊》(Ted),并且自己擔任制片人(另外一部電影正在進行后期制作)。他還有四部電視劇,包括熱播美劇《惡搞之家》(Family Guy)。而且,他還發行了一張爵士經典曲目專輯。據《綜藝》雜志(Variety)報道,另外,在貝弗利山,剛剛完工的價值1,100萬美元的制片公司Fuzzy Door辦公大樓也進一步奠定了他“準大腕” 的基礎。

Seth Macfarlane

? Current title: Actor, writer, producer

? Year on list (rank): 2009 (No. 19), 2010 (No. 28)

Macfarlane can add another line this year to his already stacked resume: Oscar host. The 39-year-old regaled the Academy in February with a performance that was both highly rated (about 1 million more people tuned in this year than last year) and hotly debated. Some viewers were left particularly cold by a musical number about Hollywood nude scenes succinctly titled, "We Saw Your Boobs." But raunchy emcee is just one role of many for Macfarlane. He directed, produced and starred in the blockbuster "Ted" in 2012 (another film is in post-production), he has four TV series including the mega-hit Family Guy, and he has released an album of jazz standards. According to Variety, his production company Fuzzy Door just closed on an $11 million Beverly Hills office building, further cementing his "ascent into moguldom."?

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