????創造的自由。大多數組織的結構和文化都對冒險抱有偏見。當然,冒險是大多數創意的來源——提出問題、打破常規、嘗試新事物。很少有組織培養出了鼓勵即興創作和勇于嘗試的愿望和技能。大部分組織都沒有一套流程,容納與創新伴生的必然失敗(以及獎勵成功)。更重要的是,很少有組織致力于用空閑的時間、資源和機制來開拓新的方向。結果如何呢?遲鈍麻木、擔心恐懼、視野狹隘。另一方面,那些為改革創新、與眾不同、不合常規奠定良好基礎的組織將收獲不同尋常的回報。 ????選擇的自由。工作崗位和任務通常是自上而下進行分配,也往往局限于狹義的責任范圍。負責任的成年人可以選擇抵押貸款,在周末購買新車,他必然也能獲得允許來采購全新的辦公椅(或者安排假期、嘗試新的技術)。最具活力的組織致力于給個人更多的選擇,讓他們決定工作的地點、工作的時間、工作的方式、工作的搭檔和工作的內容。在少數開拓創新的組織中,員工甚至可以選擇他們的工作伙伴和領導者。 ????挑戰的自由。大型組織往往會讓不稱職的員工和群眾煽動者感到度日艱難。持有不同意見的人很難得到鼓勵,通常還會受到排擠。然而,正是這些忽略規則、藐視慣例、不斷質疑的人在創造未來。組織應該對不同意見和異常行為更為寬容,以適應環境的變化。 ????在組織內部釋放自由會帶來嚴峻的挑戰,因為這樣做需要消除根深蒂固的管理原則和慣例。得益于數字技術的出現,我們可以設想這樣的組織的形象:它規模龐大卻沒有官僚習氣,專注于業務卻不目光短視,經營有效卻不墨守成規,遵守原則但卻不失去權力。我們認為,接受和嘗試新興的數字技術以及賦予數字技術以力量的強大原則(比如開放性、多元化,以及靈活性)將帶來全新的、而且比現在無限強大的管理實踐。 ????這就是我們提出數字自由挑戰的原因:發掘最先進的案例研究和大膽創意,研究數字技術和強化技術的原則如何幫助我們提高個人在工作中的自主權。你和你的組織為擴展聯系、貢獻、創造和挑戰的自由做了哪些工作?請在下面和我們分享你的故事和大膽想法,你將有機會加入MIX著名的管理創新者行列。 ????本文作者加里?哈默爾、波莉?拉巴爾、米歇爾?賈尼尼是管理創新交流(MIX)的聯合創始人,這個組織主持了一系列致力于管理創新的M-Prize挑戰賽。卡羅爾?羅茲威爾是公司副總裁、Gartner公司著名分析師,數字自由挑戰項目的構建者。(財富中文網) ????譯者:孟潔冰? |
????The freedom to create. Most organizations are structurally and culturally biased against risk-taking. Of course, that's where most creativity comes from -- asking questions, breaking the rules, trying new things. Few organizations have cultivated an appetite or the skills for improvisation and experimentation. Most have no process for metabolizing the inevitable failures (and rewarding the successes) that accompany invention. What's more, too few organizations have designed in the slack (time, resources, mechanisms) required for exploring new directions. The result?Inertia, fear, and a narrow, prescribed field of vision. On the other hand, the organizations that lay out the welcome mat for the new, the different, the irregular will reap irregular rewards. ????The freedom to choose. Job roles and tasks are often assigned from the top down and are all too often limited to a narrowly defined area of responsibility. Responsible adults who can select a mortgage or buy a new car over the weekend must obtain permission to procure a new desk chair (or schedule a holiday or try out a new technology). The most vibrant organizations are working to give individuals more choice over where they work, when they work, how they work, with whom they work, and what they work on. At a few pioneering organizations, individuals even get to choose their workmates and their leaders. ????The freedom to challenge. Large organizations tend to make life uncomfortable for misfits and rabble-rousers. Dissent is hardly encouraged and usually squashed outright. Yet, it's the people who ignore the rules, flout convention, and question constantly who invent the future. Organizations must become more hospitable to dissent and deviance to adapt to all the changes in the environment. ????Unleashing freedom inside organizations is a tough challenge because it requires dismantling deeply embedded management principles and practices. Thanks to digital technologies, we can imagine organizations that are large but not bureaucratic, focused but not myopic, efficient but not inflexible, and disciplined but not disempowering. We believe that embracing and experimenting with emerging digital technologies and the powerful principles that power them—from openness to diversity to flexibility—will lead to new and infinitely more empowering management practices. ????That's why we're launching the Digital Freedom Challenge: To unearth the most progressive case studies and bold ideas on how digital technologies and the principles that undergird them can help us increase individual autonomy at work. What are you or your organization doing to expand the freedom to connect, contribute, choose, create, and challenge? Share your stories and bold ideas here and earn a chance to join the ranks of the MIX's celebrated management innovators. ????Gary Hamel, Polly LaBarre, and Michele Zanini are the co-founders of the MIX (Management Innovation eXchange), which hosts a series of M-Prize Challenges for management innovation. Carol Rozwell is vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner, and the architect of the Digital Freedom Challenge. |