????在谷歌,把狗帶到辦公室的員工意識到,他們必須防止因此發生意外,或者給同事帶來麻煩。針對由此造成的混亂以及越界行為,谷歌制定了一票否決政策。佩德森指出:“這項權力會帶來很多責任。” ????Zynga的員工必須為自己的愛犬注冊,同時還要提供最新的疫苗接種記錄。他們可以在屋頂的狗狗公園里牽著愛犬散步,也可以把狗拴在自助餐廳外適于愛犬逗留的安置區。 ????這家公司的高級游戲制作人索拉?白領養了愛犬伊奇,隨后大家都聽說辦公室里又多了一只小狗,這個消息把以前從未見過面的同事都吸引到了索拉?白的辦公桌前。白說:“伊奇認識的人比我還多。”在走廊和寵物活動區里,伊奇讓白變得更加合群:“和我說話的人比以前多了,因為我們都養狗。” ????Zynga這個名字就來自于公司創始人的愛犬。由于有這么多員工把狗帶到辦公室,開會時都有可能聽到愛犬的打鬧聲。白說:“有時突然會聽到四只狗在墻角玩耍的聲音,對極少數人來說這種事有點兒奇怪。” ????中密歇根大學(Central Michigan University)最近的一項研究表明,把狗帶進辦公室還可能提高員工的協作水平和職業道德。總的來說,當120名研究對象帶著狗上班時,他們的信任程度、團隊凝聚力和親密程度指標都會處于較高水平。 ????弗吉尼亞聯邦大學商學院巴克教授認為:“帶狗上班或許會成為一種低成本的健康調節手段,許多公司都可以采用這種方法。它有可能提高員工在組織結構方面的滿意度,同時讓他們覺得自己得到了更大的支持。當然,需要制定政策來確保辦公室里的寵物友善、干凈而且守規矩,這一點很重要。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:Charlie |
????Dog owners at Google realize they must shoulder the burden of avoiding accidents or a colleague being bothered by their pet. There's a one-strike policy for messes or aggressive behavior. "It's a privilege with a lot of responsibilities," Pedersen says. ????At Zynga, every dog owner registers her pet with the company and provides health records of up-to-date vaccinations. Employees can walk the dogs in a "wooftop" dog park or tie them up outside the cafeteria in a dog-friendly "barking lot." ????When senior producer Sora Bai adopted her dog Itsy, word went around the office that there was a new puppy, bringing visitors to Bai's desk that she'd never met before. "She knows more people than I do," Bai says about the dog, who has helped her owner become more social in the hallways and at the dog run. "I talk more to people than I knew previously because we have the dogs in common." ????So many dogs come to Zynga, whose corporate name comes from the founder's dog, that meetings might include several canines roughhousing. "For new people, it's a little weird because all of a sudden you're hearing four dogs playing in the corner," Bai says. ????A recent study by researchers at Central Michigan University suggests that workplaces with dogs might also engage in higher levels of collaboration and ethical behavior. The 120 individuals who participated in the study scored higher overall on measures of trust, team cohesion, and intimacy when dogs were present. ????"Pet presence may serve as a low-cost wellness intervention readily available to many organizations and may enhance organizational satisfaction and perceptions of support," says VCU's Barker. "Of course, it is important to have policies in place to ensure only friendly, clean, and well-behaved pets are present in the workplace." |