
莫斯亞當斯 ????上圖:15名會計師為尼泊爾小鎮斯哈克蒂納加爾的一座農村學校挖地基。午飯后,他們會分頭從事更多的體力勞動,與村長見面,或者在齊膝深的沼澤里抓魚。 ????為了參加這項活動,每名莫斯亞當斯的員工都籌集了5,000美元,主要用于購買建材,支付路費和物流開支。另外他們還花了一個星期的假期時間和平均每人1,000美元的開銷,幫當地人接種疫苗,以及提供個人用品。2012年10月的這次活動受到了員工的一致好評,今年秋天,該公司還會派出兩支15人的團隊,第二次參加由非盈利機構buildOn組織的義工活動。 ????這個活動是莫斯亞當斯的合伙人盧克?阿森諾特發起的,他說:“這是一段不同尋常的時光。它開拓了我們的視野,不僅是讓我們到國外去旅行,而且還讓我們接觸到了一種新的文化,給我們帶來了很大的好處。” ????這個村子一向以基礎條件差而聞名,街道上塵土飛揚,村里沒有排水系統,也上不了互聯網,有些村民是2000年才恢復自由身的契約傭人。阿森諾特說:“這些人每人獲得了一小塊土地和150美元,來開始新的生活。”村民們把自己有限的資源和勞動力貢獻出來,在buildOn項目的支持下,為村里的孩子們興建學校。 ????等莫斯亞當斯的員工回國后,他們有了更宏大的世界觀,也會從全新的角度尊重體力勞動,甚至與公司同事的關系也變得更緊密了。 |
Moss Adams ????Picture the scene: 15 accountants dig the foundation for a school in the Nepalese village of Shaktinagar. After lunch, they split up to perform more manual labor, meet the village chief, or fish barefoot in knee-deep swamp water. ????For this privilege, each Moss Adams employee raised $5,000, primarily to pay for construction materials, as well as some travel and logistics expenses. They also spent a week of personal vacation time and an average of $1,000 on immunizations and personal supplies. The October 2012 experience was so popular that this coming fall, the firm will send two teams of 15 on a second expedition organized by the nonprofit buildOn. ????"It was an exceptional time," says Luc Arsenault, the partner at Moss Adams who spearheaded the trip. "To expand our horizons and travel abroad and be exposed to a new culture, there was a tremendous amount of benefit." ????Residents of the village -- notable for dirt streets, no plumbing, and no Internet access -- include former indentured servants freed in 2000. "They were given a parcel of land and $150 to start their life," Arsenault says. Villagers committed their own resources and labor in a buildOn partnership to build the school for the children in the community. ????Moss Adams employees returned home with a broader perspective on the world, a renewed appreciation for hard physical work, and even stronger connections to others at the firm. |