


Peter Gerstenzang 2013年03月19日


????帕克斯最出名的作品是他的《Song Cycle》專輯,他也曾為海灘男孩(The Beach Boys)的《微笑》(Smile)專輯作詞。現在他也有了自己的唱片公司。前不久,出于個人需要,這位前華納公司音樂人創辦了Bananastan Records唱片公司。

????“我在美國找不到一家稱心的唱片公司來發行我的作品,”帕克斯說。“所以我自己創辦唱片公司發行唱片,比如將要(在5月份)發行的《Songs Cycled》專輯。”





????她是勞登的姐姐(也是魯弗斯的嬸嬸),是個優秀的詞曲作家。她經營自己名為德比音樂(Derby Disc Music)的唱片公司,最近還雇傭了一名助手。她以前有過從商經驗,這為她的日常決策提供了幫助。

????“我是個企業家,”溫賴特說。“我開過一家叫貝克餐館(The Baker's Cafe)的飯店,那讓我在商業方面獲益良多。盡管我自己當老板,但矛盾的是,它意味著我要依靠更專業人士的幫助。我什么都不了解。所以我從那些懂得怎樣安排日程、簽合同的人那里尋求幫助。你說我的助手?他負責我辦公室和社交媒體方面的工作。我則負責錄音和演唱會。但是一個好的老板應該愿意和內行合作。”



??? 馬歇爾?克倫肖

????克倫肖最有名的是他的上榜單曲“Someday Someway”,他現在儼然達到了一個優秀CEO的水平。他的經營方式多種多樣。粉絲們可以在他的網站上預訂單張唱片,也可以接受克倫肖提供的一年訂閱服務,訂閱內容包括3張10寸黑膠唱片。





????Van Dyke Parks

????Parks, best known for his masterpieceSong Cycle and writing lyrics for The Beach Boys' Smile, can now add label head to his CV. This former Warner artist recently founded Bananastan Records, by necessity.

????"I couldn't find a reputable record label in the States to distribute my product," says Parks. "So I created my own to release my records, like (May's) Songs Cycled."

????He also got business-smart, knowing when to get professional help for certain tasks.

????"I found myself a CPA, who does the books," he says. "Plus, my wife, Sally, has her input. Ultimately, I decided to release and sell singles, because they're less expensive.

????Remember, you must have a site! Regarding the people who work with me, I believe in 'delicate strength.' Surround yourself with people you admire. Then let them have their way. Without Bananastan, I wouldn't be able to get my music out. But this stuff will come out and is actually selling. Because now I'm in charge."

????Sloan Wainwright

????Loudon's sister (and Rufus's aunt) is one fine songwriter herself. She runs her own label, Derby Disc Music, and recently hired an assistant. She has previous business experience, which helps with making day-to-day decisions.

????"I'm an entrepreneur," Wainwright says. "I once owned a restaurant, The Baker's Cafe, which was great business training. Being in charge, paradoxically, means I also rely on experts. I don't know everything. So, I get help from people regarding itineraries, contracts. My assistant? He does my office and social media stuff. I make the decisions about recording and gigging. But a good boss should be willing to collaborate with someone who knows more."

????Wainwright also knows when to outsource.

????"I recently signed with a PR firm, who'll help with the re-release of a record. I make decisions about how to spend money. Most importantly, you have to remember this is a job. Work on it every day. You'll definitely see results."

????Marshall Crenshaw

????Best known for his hit "Someday Someway," Crenshaw's done what any good CEO might do. He's diversified. At his website, fans can either order individual EPs or join Crenshaw's subscription service for one year. Which gets you three 10-inch vinyl EPs.

????Plus, Crenshaw has some trustworthy employees: his family.

????"The biggest change, compared to my major label days, is there's labor involved now. Packing, shipping of the product. I've done it with my wife and two children. A real assembly line. Also, the orders have been so big, that people from my office are struggling. So I'll volunteer to help out more."

????His advice to label owners starting out?

????"As the boss, make sure you don't run out of stock. I have, several times. Still, if you're gonna have a problem? That's not a bad one to have."

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